Gradient for scattered data

版本 (2.3 KB) 作者: Duane Hanselman
Compute gradient on triangle faces or their vertices for triangulated data
665.0 次下载
更新时间 2012/10/31


[dFx,dFy] = TRIGRADIENT(TRI,X,Y,Z) or TRIGRADIENT(TRI,X,Y,Z,'vertex') returns numerical gradients of the function z = F(x,y), dFx = dF/dx and DFy = dF/dy at the vertices of the triangles specified in TRI. dFx and dFy are column vectors having the same number of elements as X,Y, and Z.

[dFx,dFy] = TRIGRADIENT(TRI,X,Y,Z,'face') returns the numerical gradients that are constant over each triangle face. In this case, dFx and dFy are column vectors having M = size(TRI,1) elements.


Duane Hanselman (2024). Gradient for scattered data (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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