Contour Line Smoothing

版本 (3.1 KB) 作者: Duane Hanselman
Smooths contour lines by fitting them with a 2-D spline.
2.8K 次下载
更新时间 2012/10/31


CONTOURSPLINE(X,Y,Z,N) creates a contour plot having N contour levels from the matrix Z, treating the values in Z as heights above the X-Y plane. X and Y are either vectors defining the X- and Y-axes with length(X) = size(Z,2) and length(Y) = size(Z,1), or X and Y are matrices the same size as Z such as those produced by MESHGRID.
CONTOURSPLINE(X,Y,Z,V) draws contours at the levels given in vector V.
CONTOURSPLINE(X,Y,Z,[v v]) draws a single contour line at level v.

Beware: CONTOURSPLINE smooths contours, but does not magically change terrible data into pleasing data. For terrible data, smoothed contour lines may cross!


Duane Hanselman (2024). Contour Line Smoothing (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2006a
Windows macOS Linux
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