Calculation of fascicle length and pennation angle
%% under construction!
Some paths do not seem to work properly. I will correct this in the next few days.
To calculates the length and angles you need the following:
- a set of 3d data of the muscles fascicles
- coordinates of the force axis
- coordinates of the anatomical landmarks from the calcaneus, the fibula and the main direction of the foot
- the coefficients of the polynomials got calculates with coeffvalues.m
code of the functions polynomtestlin, polynomtest22 and polynomtest33:
function [coefftest]=polynomtest33(AWert,CWert)
% %POLYNOMTEST33 Create plot of datasets and fits
% % Creates a plot, similar to the plot in the main curve fitting
% % window, using the data that you provide as input. You can
% % apply this function to the same data you used with cftool
% % or with different data. You may want to edit the function to
% % customize the code and this help message.
% %
% % Number of datasets: 1
% % Number of fits: 1
% % Data from dataset "CWert vs. AWert":
% % X = AWert:
% % Y = CWert:
% % Unweighted
% %
% % This function was automatically generated on 09-Feb-2011 13:59:28
% Set up figure to receive datasets and fits
% f_ = clf;
% figure(f_);
% set(f_,'Units','Pixels','Position',[943 394 680 484]);
% legh_ = []; legt_ = {};
% handles and text for legend
% xlim_ = [Inf -Inf];
% limits of x axis
% ax_ = axes;
% set(ax_,'Units','normalized','OuterPosition',[0 0 1 1]);
% set(ax_,'Box','on');
% axes(ax_); hold on;
% % --- Plot data originally in dataset "CWert vs. AWert"
% AWert = AWert(:);
% CWert = CWert(:);
% h_ = line(AWert,CWert,'Parent',ax_,'Color',[0.333333 0 0.666667],...
% 'LineStyle','none', 'LineWidth',1,...
% 'Marker','.', 'MarkerSize',12);
% xlim_(1) = min(xlim_(1),min(AWert));
% xlim_(2) = max(xlim_(2),max(AWert));
% legh_(end+1) = h_;
% legt_{end+1} = 'CWert vs. AWert';
% Nudge axis limits beyond data limits
% if all(isfinite(xlim_))
% xlim_ = xlim_ + [-1 1] * 0.01 * diff(xlim_);
% set(ax_,'XLim',xlim_)
% else
% set(ax_, 'XLim',[67.61313437675885, 89.315211296848659]);
% end
% --- Create fit "fit 30"
ok_ = isfinite(AWert) & isfinite(CWert);
if ~all( ok_ )
warning( 'GenerateMFile:IgnoringNansAndInfs', ...
'Ignoring NaNs and Infs in data' );
ft_ = fittype('poly3');
% Fit this model using new data
cf_ = fit(AWert(ok_),CWert(ok_),ft_);
% % Or use coefficients from the original fit:
% if 0
% cv_ = { 0.00017185714749200226, -0.046155284038860329, 4.1919924194089013, -127.69125063698891};
% cf_ = cfit(ft_,cv_{:});
% end
% % Plot this fit
% h_ = plot(cf_,'fit',0.95);
% legend off; % turn off legend from plot method call
% set(h_(1),'Color',[1 0 0],...
% 'LineStyle','-', 'LineWidth',2,...
% 'Marker','none', 'MarkerSize',6);
% legh_(end+1) = h_(1);
% legt_{end+1} = 'fit 30';
% % Done plotting data and fits. Now finish up loose ends.
% hold off;
% leginfo_ = {'Orientation', 'vertical', 'Location', 'NorthEast'};
% h_ = legend(ax_,legh_,legt_,leginfo_{:}); % create legend
% set(h_,'Interpreter','none');
% xlabel(ax_,''); % remove x label
% ylabel(ax_,'');
% remove y label
Additionally you can calculate the proximal and distal aponeurosis.
Philipp Schenk (2024). Calculation of fascicle length and pennation angle (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .
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