Spline2D or Piecewise Continuous 2D Polynomials

版本 (68.3 KB) 作者: Mark Mikofski
Fit a 2D function with piecewise continuous polynomials
859.0 次下载
更新时间 2013/5/3


Spline2D is a work in progress. Currently it only matches C0 (continuous function) not C1 (continuous in 1st derivative) or C2 (continuous in 2nd derivative), which will be added later.

Spline2D requires PolyVal2D:

Spline2D is hosted on Github in a Gist here:

%SPLINEFIT2D Fit 2D data to a set of piecewise continuous polynomials.
% PP = SPLINEFIT2D(F,X,Y,N,M,XB,YB) fits F(X,Y) with polynomials of order
% N, M respectively, within the each pair of consecutive bounds [XB(i) XB(i+1)]
% and [YB(i) YB(i + 1)] for i from 1 to NUMEL(XB)-1 and NUMEL(YB)-1, respectively.

%SPLINEVAL2D Evaluate 2D data to a set of piecewise continuous polynomials.
% F = SPLINEFIT2D(PP,X,Y,N,M,XB,YB) evaluates F(X,Y) with polynomials of order
% N, M respectively, within the each pair of consecutive bounds [XB(i) XB(i+1)]
% and [YB(i) YB(i + 1)] for i from 1 to NUMEL(XB)-1 and NUMEL(YB)-1, respectively.


Mark Mikofski (2025). Spline2D or Piecewise Continuous 2D Polynomials (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/41610-spline2d-or-piecewise-continuous-2d-polynomials), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2013a
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