Kehl, a fast (no loop) method to compute MSD

版本 (2.0 KB) 作者: maxime
Kehl computes the mean squared displacements (MSD), with no loop. Fully vectorized code.
619.0 次下载
更新时间 2013/5/22


MSD is a measure of the displacement over a certain interval of time, used for instance to analyze trajectories and tell if it's ballistic, diffusive, sub-diffusive, etc.
To compute MSD, all the possible time intervals within the trajectory need to be considerer. The simplest way uses nested loops :
the first loop runs over the time points, the other loop runs over the possible interval from each time point.

Thoses nested loops are a nightmare for fast computation, especially for long trajectories.

Kehl suppresses the loops, and computes all the squared distance at once, then sorts and averages them out.


maxime (2024). Kehl, a fast (no loop) method to compute MSD (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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