Frenet Frame Displayer v1.0

版本 (1.5 MB) 作者: Jonghun
FFD displays real time TNB, curvature, torsion, coordinate, velocity, acceleration.
565.0 次下载
更新时间 2013/8/19



1.Works for arbitrary curve.

2. Displays real time curvature, torsion, coordinate, velocity, acceleration for a given point of a curve.

3. Tracing features are available.

4. Examples are included.

5. Each vector can be turned on and off. if the torsion is positive, the marker is displayed in blue, if negative, the marker is displayed in magenta in order to show rotational direction of B.

<Using Examples>

1. Selcet example.

2. Press Display.

3. Press Start and observe. Zoom and rotaion features are available.

4. Press All Clear to reset.

<User Defined Curve>

1. Type the parametric equation of the curve with t as the parameter.

2. Press display.

3. Set option. Press start and observe.

4. Press Refresh to reset animation effects or press All Clear to reset.


Jonghun (2024). Frenet Frame Displayer v1.0 (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2009a
Windows macOS Linux
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