
版本 (204.5 KB) 作者: Justin Blaber
2D-DIC program that uses contiguous circular subsets, biquintic B-spline interp, and complex ROIs
5.9K 次下载
更新时间 2020/5/8

2D Digital Image Correlation Matlab Software. The most up to date code now uses my github: justinblaber/ncorr_2D_matlab


Justin Blaber (2025). Ncorr (, GitHub. 检索时间: .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2009a
Windows macOS Linux
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版本 已发布 发行说明

Changed code to link to my github, where the code is being maintained.
Added a fix which addresses the issue of newer versions of MATLAB (R2016b+) resulting in greyscale plots.

Updated function which checks for the Statistics toolbox because Mathworks recently combined their Machine Learning and Statistics toolbox.
Updated automatic installation to work with R2015a since there were updates with the MEX interface that caused the installation script to break. Also fixed a bug in the openmp test function.

Updated Ncorr and the manual to provide better support and information regarding installation with OpenMP.

Updated the manual to include information on how to debug MEX files. Also added some more information on the installation section.

Minor update where the queue for the RG-DIC algorithm was implemented as a heap. This resulted in a minor speed improvement.

Fixed a bug that caused a crash when analyzing very narrow regions of interest.

Fixed a bug where data could be cleared if the overwrite GUI was exited instead of clicking "No." Also modified unit conversion GUI to allow specified units of less than 1.

Fixed a bug that prevented subset truncation from working.

Updated the package to include ncorr v1.2. This new version supports high strain, adds more tools for discontinuous displacement analysis, and has been refactored.

I have made it such that the RG-DIC parameters window stays open until the processing begins. This allows users to cancel further on steps without having to reenter parameters.

Fixed a slight bug where an error was returned when the DIC analysis was cancelled when setting DIC parameters. Also included some sample images.

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