Bubble Sliding and Lift-off Analysis

Calculation of various bubble parameters during horizontal subcooled boiling flow
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更新时间 2013/11/18


The image processing code for this package was written in cooperation with Amir Meghdadi. Image processing and data compilation package for analysis of bubble sliding and lift-off events. High speed greyscale videos of bubble nucleation, sliding, and lift-off events are required with either an in-frame scaling device or a known image scale. Individual bubbles are tracked from nucleation to lift-off and various parameters are measured, including sliding velocity, 3D equivalent spherical diameter, base diameter, maximum 3D diameter, lift-off 3D diameter, and (if resolution is high enough in the vicinity of the bubble base) contact angles and the angle of inclination. Parameters are measured in each frame for a particular bubble and are outputted as raw data in a Microsoft Excel file. After the user has analysed all useful bubbles, the data is compiled and summarized in a Microsoft Excel file.


Danyal Mohaddes Khorassani (2025). Bubble Sliding and Lift-off Analysis (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/44067-bubble-sliding-and-lift-off-analysis), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

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创建方式 R2012b
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