
版本 (2.4 KB) 作者: Sandeep Solanki
MULTIWAITBAR displays multiple waitbars.
362.0 次下载
更新时间 2013/10/29


% MULTIWAITBAR displays multiple waitbars.
% H = MULTIWAITBAR(NumAxes,StepAxes,TitleAxes)
% creates and displays a waitbars of fractional lengths StepAxes. The
% handle to the multiwaitbar figure is returned in H.
% StepAxes should be an array, length equal to number of axeses, between
% 0 and 1. TitleAxes should be a cell array,length equal to number of
% axeses, Containing messeges as the title of axeses.
% H = MULTIWAITBAR(NumAxes,StepAxes,TitleAxes) will set the length of
% the bars in the most recently created waitbars window to the fractional
% length StepAxes values.
% MULTIWAITBAR(NumAxes,StepAxes,TitleAxes,H) will update the messeges text in
% the multiwaitbar figure, in addition to setting the fractional
% length to StepAxeses.
% MULTIWAITBAR is typically used inside nested FOR loops that performs a
% lengthy computation.
% use delete and clear as stated below to clear the object of
% multiwaitbar figure
% delete(H.figure)
% clear('H')
% Example:
% H = multiwaitbar(3,[0 0 0 0],{'Please wait','Please wait','Please wait'});
% for i = 0:0.2:1
% for j = 0:0.2:1
% for k = 0:0.1:1
% multiwaitbar(3,[i j k],{'Computing','Computing','Computing'},H);
% end
% end
% end
% delete(H.figure)
% clear('H')


Sandeep Solanki (2024). MultiWaitBar (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2009a
Windows macOS Linux
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