Zero-Order Hold

版本 (3.4 KB) 作者: Michael Weidman
A fast, basic implementation of a ZOH designed to run on vectors/matrices
1.7K 次下载
更新时间 2014/1/15


I have long been a bit bothered by the fact that zero-order holds in MATLAB have required MATLAB objects (like timeseries.resample) and sometimes additional products (like Control System Toolbox or Simulink).

This function operates on vectors and mimics the syntax of INTERP1. The core of the function (using HISTC) is based off of the undocumented TSINTERP function. It goes much further, though, in terms of speed optimization (over 2x faster than TSINTERP) and flexibility in handling NaNs.

The default settings are designed with fast resampling of financial tick data in mind (as is used in backtesting), but non-financial users will also find value.


Michael Weidman (2025). Zero-Order Hold (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2013b
Windows macOS Linux
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