Search all the maxima and minima points.
findExtrema.m is designed to find the extrema points (minima and maxima) from an N-dimensional array. This implementation runs much faster than by making use of the imdilate function in the Image Processing Toolbox by Mathworks as suggested by Steve Eddins on Stack Overflow.
[minima,maxima] = findExtrema(array);
where minima (maxima) is a logical array of the same size as the input array whose elements are true if the corresponding element of the input array is a local minima (maxima).
Notes within the source code indicate (providing code) how to extend this function to special cases (such as inputs with NaN values, changing the search neighborhood). If only the maxima or minima are needed rather than both, using the included findMaxima.m or findMaxima.m functions will be twice as fast as findExtrema.m.
Stephen Anthony (2025). findExtrema (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .
MATLAB 版本兼容性
Windows macOS Linux类别
- Signal Processing > Signal Processing Toolbox > Measurements and Feature Extraction > Descriptive Statistics >
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