共享 'MVTec Halcon Wrapper'
MVTec Halcon (12) is an image processing library used in machine vision applications.
At Decom.nl we use both Halcon and Matlab together. Therefor we wrapped all Halcon operators into Matlab Mex-files (c++ code). By compiling the code (compile_cpp_code.m) you can use the Halcon operators in Matlab.
I = transpose(imread('lena.tif'));
Imedian = hMedianImage (I, 'circle', 3, 'continued');
figure, imshow(transpose(Imedian.image))
1. To use the software install Halcon Developer version. A version including temporary license can be obtained at mvtec.com
2. Please note, this wrapper is also compatible with Halcon 11, Halcon 13 ... but in that case first run "generate_cpp_code.m" followed by "generate_help_files.m" followed by "compile_cpp_code.m")
3.If you use Matlab 64-bits, install Halcon x64 and 64-bit c++ compiler.
When using Matlab 32-bits also install Halcon 32-bits.
4. Note image-data is stored row-wise in Halcon and column-wise in Matlab. Thus transpose or permute(I,[2 1 3]) an image from Matlab before using in Halcon and the other-way around
5. XLD's are currently not supported.
6. Halcon is sensitive to input datatypes, thus don't use hFunction("100") or hFunction(100), when Halcon expect an integer, then use hFunction(int32(100)). A mixed tuple equals a cell array like {"true", "red",int32(123),3.14}
Dirk-Jan Kroon (2024). MVTec Halcon Wrapper (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/46524-mvtec-halcon-wrapper), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .
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Start Hunting!- compile_cpp_code.m
- generate_cpp_code.m
- generate_help_files.m
- hAbsDiffImage.m
- hAbsFunct1d.m
- hAbsImage.m
- hAbsInvarFourierCoeff.m
- hAbsMatrix.m
- hAbsMatrixMod.m
- hAccessChannel.m
- hAcosImage.m
- hActivateComputeDevice.m
- hAdaptTemplate.m
- hAddChannels.m
- hAddClassTrainDataGmm.m
- hAddClassTrainDataKnn.m
- hAddClassTrainDataMlp.m
- hAddClassTrainDataSvm.m
- hAddDeformableSurfaceModelReferencePoint.m
- hAddDeformableSurfaceModelSample.m
- hAddImage.m
- hAddMatrix.m
- hAddMatrixMod.m
- hAddMetrologyObjectCircleMeasure.m
- hAddMetrologyObjectEllipseMeasure.m
- hAddMetrologyObjectGeneric.m
- hAddMetrologyObjectLineMeasure.m
- hAddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure.m
- hAddNoiseDistribution.m
- hAddNoiseWhite.m
- hAddNoiseWhiteContourXld.m
- hAddSampleClassGmm.m
- hAddSampleClassKnn.m
- hAddSampleClassMlp.m
- hAddSampleClassSvm.m
- hAddSampleClassTrainData.m
- hAddSampleIdentifierPreparationData.m
- hAddSampleIdentifierTrainingData.m
- hAddSamplesImageClassGmm.m
- hAddSamplesImageClassKnn.m
- hAddSamplesImageClassMlp.m
- hAddSamplesImageClassSvm.m
- hAddScene3dCamera.m
- hAddScene3dInstance.m
- hAddScene3dLabel.m
- hAddScene3dLight.m
- hAdjustMosaicImages.m
- hAffineTransContourXld.m
- hAffineTransImage.m
- hAffineTransImageSize.m
- hAffineTransObjectModel3d.m
- hAffineTransPixel.m
- hAffineTransPoint2d.m
- hAffineTransPoint3d.m
- hAffineTransPolygonXld.m
- hAffineTransRegion.m
- hAlignMetrologyModel.m
- hAngleLl.m
- hAngleLx.m
- hAnisotropeDiff.m
- hAnisotropicDiffusion.m
- hAppendChannel.m
- hAppendOcrTrainf.m
- hApplyBeadInspectionModel.m
- hApplyColorTransLut.m
- hApplyDistanceTransformXld.m
- hApplyMetrologyModel.m
- hApplySampleIdentifier.m
- hApplySheetOfLightCalibration.m
- hApproxChain.m
- hApproxChainSimple.m
- hAreaCenter.m
- hAreaCenterGray.m
- hAreaCenterPointsXld.m
- hAreaCenterXld.m
- hAreaHoles.m
- hAreaObjectModel3d.m
- hAsinImage.m
- hAssign.m
- hAssignAt.m
- hAtan2Image.m
- hAtanImage.m
- hAttachBackgroundToWindow.m
- hAttachDrawingObjectToWindow.m
- hAutoThreshold.m
- hAxisAngleToQuat.m
- hBackgroundSeg.m
- hBandpassImage.m
- hBestMatch.m
- hBestMatchMg.m
- hBestMatchPreMg.m
- hBestMatchRot.m
- hBestMatchRotMg.m
- hBinaryThreshold.m
- hBinocularCalibration.m
- hBinocularDisparity.m
- hBinocularDisparityMg.m
- hBinocularDisparityMs.m
- hBinocularDistance.m
- hBinocularDistanceMg.m
- hBinocularDistanceMs.m
- hBinomialFilter.m
- hBinThreshold.m
- hBitAnd.m
- hBitLshift.m
- hBitMask.m
- hBitNot.m
- hBitOr.m
- hBitRshift.m
- hBitSlice.m
- hBitXor.m
- hBottomHat.m
- hBoundary.m
- hBreak.m
- hBroadcastCondition.m
- hBundleAdjustMosaic.m
- hCalibrateCameras.m
- hCalibrateHandEye.m
- hCalibrateSheetOfLight.m
- hCaltabPoints.m
- hCameraCalibration.m
- hCamMatToCamPar.m
- hCamParPoseToHomMat3d.m
- hCamParToCamMat.m
- hCase.m
- hCatch.m
- hCfaToRgb.m
- hChangeDomain.m
- hChangeFormat.m
- hChangeRadialDistortionCamPar.m
- hChangeRadialDistortionContoursXld.m
- hChangeRadialDistortionImage.m
- hChangeRadialDistortionPoints.m
- hChannelsToImage.m
- hCharThreshold.m
- hCheckDifference.m
- hCheckParHwPotential.m
- hCircularity.m
- hCircularityXld.m
- hClass2dimSup.m
- hClass2dimUnsup.m
- hClassifyClassGmm.m
- hClassifyClassKnn.m
- hClassifyClassMlp.m
- hClassifyClassSvm.m
- hClassifyImageClassGmm.m
- hClassifyImageClassKnn.m
- hClassifyImageClassLut.m
- hClassifyImageClassMlp.m
- hClassifyImageClassSvm.m
- hClassNdimBox.m
- hClassNdimNorm.m
- hClearAllBarCodeModels.m
- hClearAllBarriers.m
- hClearAllCalibData.m
- hClearAllCameraSetupModels.m
- hClearAllClassGmm.m
- hClearAllClassKnn.m
- hClearAllClassLut.m
- hClearAllClassMlp.m
- hClearAllClassSvm.m
- hClearAllClassTrainData.m
- hClearAllColorTransLuts.m
- hClearAllComponentModels.m
- hClearAllConditions.m
- hClearAllDataCode2dModels.m
- hClearAllDeformableModels.m
- hClearAllDescriptorModels.m
- hClearAllEvents.m
- hClearAllLexica.m
- hClearAllMatrices.m
- hClearAllMetrologyModels.m
- hClearAllMutexes.m
- hClearAllNccModels.m
- hClearAllObjectModel3d.m
- hClearAllOcrClassKnn.m
- hClearAllOcrClassMlp.m
- hClearAllOcrClassSvm.m
- hClearAllSampleIdentifiers.m
- hClearAllScatteredDataInterpolators.m
- hClearAllSerializedItems.m
- hClearAllShapeModel3d.m
- hClearAllShapeModels.m
- hClearAllSheetOfLightModels.m
- hClearAllStereoModels.m
- hClearAllSurfaceMatchingResults.m
- hClearAllSurfaceModels.m
- hClearAllTemplates.m
- hClearAllTextModels.m
- hClearAllTextResults.m
- hClearAllTrainingComponents.m
- hClearAllVariationModels.m
- hClearBarCodeModel.m
- hClearBarrier.m
- hClearBeadInspectionModel.m
- hClearCalibData.m
- hClearCameraSetupModel.m
- hClearClassGmm.m
- hClearClassKnn.m
- hClearClassLut.m
- hClearClassMlp.m
- hClearClassSvm.m
- hClearClassTrainData.m
- hClearColorTransLut.m
- hClearComponentModel.m
- hClearCondition.m
- hClearDataCode2dModel.m
- hClearDeformableModel.m
- hClearDeformableSurfaceMatchingResult.m
- hClearDeformableSurfaceModel.m
- hClearDescriptorModel.m
- hClearDistanceTransformXld.m
- hClearDrawingObject.m
- hClearEvent.m
- hClearLexicon.m
- hClearMatrix.m
- hClearMessage.m
- hClearMessageQueue.m
- hClearMetrologyModel.m
- hClearMetrologyObject.m
- hClearMutex.m
- hClearNccModel.m
- hClearObj.m
- hClearObjectModel3d.m
- hClearOcrClassKnn.m
- hClearOcrClassMlp.m
- hClearOcrClassSvm.m
- hClearRectangle.m
- hClearSampleIdentifier.m
- hClearSamplesClassGmm.m
- hClearSamplesClassMlp.m
- hClearSamplesClassSvm.m
- hClearSampset.m
- hClearScatteredDataInterpolator.m
- hClearScene3d.m
- hClearSerial.m
- hClearSerializedItem.m
- hClearShapeModel.m
- hClearShapeModel3d.m
- hClearSheetOfLightModel.m
- hClearStereoModel.m
- hClearSurfaceMatchingResult.m
- hClearSurfaceModel.m
- hClearTemplate.m
- hClearTextModel.m
- hClearTextResult.m
- hClearTrainDataVariationModel.m
- hClearTrainingComponents.m
- hClearVariationModel.m
- hClearWindow.m
- hClipContoursXld.m
- hClipEndPointsContoursXld.m
- hClipRegion.m
- hClipRegionRel.m
- hCloseAllBgEsti.m
- hCloseAllClassBox.m
- hCloseAllFiles.m
- hCloseAllFramegrabbers.m
- hCloseAllMeasures.m
- hCloseAllOcrs.m
- hCloseAllOcvs.m
- hCloseAllSerials.m
- hCloseAllSockets.m
- hCloseBgEsti.m
- hCloseClassBox.m
- hCloseContoursXld.m
- hCloseEdges.m
- hCloseEdgesLength.m
- hCloseFile.m
- hCloseFramegrabber.m
- hCloseIoChannel.m
- hCloseIoDevice.m
- hCloseMeasure.m
- hCloseOcr.m
- hCloseOcv.m
- hCloseSerial.m
- hCloseSocket.m
- hClosestPointTransform.m
- hCloseWindow.m
- hClosing.m
- hClosingCircle.m
- hClosingGolay.m
- hClosingRectangle1.m
- hClusterModelComponents.m
- hCoherenceEnhancingDiff.m
- hCombineRoadsXld.m
- hComment.m
- hCompactness.m
- hCompactnessXld.m
- hCompareExtVariationModel.m
- hCompareObj.m
- hCompareVariationModel.m
- hComplement.m
- hComplexToReal.m
- hCompose2.m
- hCompose3.m
- hCompose4.m
- hCompose5.m
- hCompose6.m
- hCompose7.m
- hComposeFunct1d.m
- hConcatObj.m
- hConcatOcrTrainf.m
- hConnectAndHoles.m
- hConnectGridPoints.m
- hConnection.m
- hConnectionObjectModel3d.m
- hContinue.m
- hContlength.m
- hContourPointNumXld.m
- hContourToWorldPlaneXld.m
- hControlIoChannel.m
- hControlIoDevice.m
- hControlIoInterface.m
- hConvertImageType.m
- hConvertMapType.m
- hConvertPoint3dCartToSpher.m
- hConvertPoint3dSpherToCart.m
- hConvertPoseType.m
- hConvertTupleToVector1d.m
- hConvertVectorToTuple.m
- hConvexHullObjectModel3d.m
- hConvexity.m
- hConvexityXld.m
- hConvolFft.m
- hConvolGabor.m
- hConvolImage.m
- hCoocFeatureImage.m
- hCoocFeatureMatrix.m
- hCopyFile.m
- hCopyImage.m
- hCopyMatrix.m
- hCopyMetrologyModel.m
- hCopyMetrologyObject.m
- hCopyObj.m
- hCopyObjectModel3d.m
- hCopyRectangle.m
- hCornerResponse.m
- hCorrelationFft.m
- hCosImage.m
- hCountChannels.m
- hCountObj.m
- hCountRelation.m
- hCountSeconds.m
- hCreateAnisoShapeModel.m
- hCreateAnisoShapeModelXld.m
- hCreateBarCodeModel.m
- hCreateBarrier.m
- hCreateBeadInspectionModel.m
- hCreateBgEsti.m
- hCreateCalibData.m
- hCreateCalibDescriptorModel.m
- hCreateCaltab.m
- hCreateCameraSetupModel.m
- hCreateCamPoseLookAtPoint.m
- hCreateClassBox.m
- hCreateClassGmm.m
- hCreateClassKnn.m
- hCreateClassLutGmm.m
- hCreateClassLutKnn.m
- hCreateClassLutMlp.m
- hCreateClassLutSvm.m
- hCreateClassMlp.m
- hCreateClassSvm.m
- hCreateClassTrainData.m
- hCreateColorTransLut.m
- hCreateComponentModel.m
- hCreateCondition.m
- hCreateDataCode2dModel.m
- hCreateDeformableSurfaceModel.m
- hCreateDistanceTransformXld.m
- hCreateDrawingObjectCircle.m
- hCreateDrawingObjectCircleSector.m
- hCreateDrawingObjectEllipse.m
- hCreateDrawingObjectEllipseSector.m
- hCreateDrawingObjectLine.m
- hCreateDrawingObjectRectangle1.m
- hCreateDrawingObjectRectangle2.m
- hCreateDrawingObjectText.m
- hCreateDrawingObjectXld.m
- hCreateEvent.m
- hCreateFunct1dArray.m
- hCreateFunct1dPairs.m
- hCreateLexicon.m
- hCreateLocalDeformableModel.m
- hCreateLocalDeformableModelXld.m
- hCreateMatrix.m
- hCreateMessage.m
- hCreateMessageQueue.m
- hCreateMetrologyModel.m
- hCreateMutex.m
- hCreateNccModel.m
- hCreateOcrClassBox.m
- hCreateOcrClassKnn.m
- hCreateOcrClassMlp.m
- hCreateOcrClassSvm.m
- hCreateOcvProj.m
- hCreatePlanarCalibDeformableModel.m
- hCreatePlanarCalibDeformableModelXld.m
- hCreatePlanarUncalibDeformableModel.m
- hCreatePlanarUncalibDeformableModelXld.m
- hCreatePose.m
- hCreateRectificationGrid.m
- hCreateSampleIdentifier.m
- hCreateScaledShapeModel.m
- hCreateScaledShapeModelXld.m
- hCreateScatteredDataInterpolator.m
- hCreateScene3d.m
- hCreateSerializedItemPtr.m
- hCreateShapeModel.m
- hCreateShapeModel3d.m
- hCreateShapeModelXld.m
- hCreateSheetOfLightCalibObject.m
- hCreateSheetOfLightModel.m
- hCreateStereoModel.m
- hCreateSurfaceModel.m
- hCreateTemplate.m
- hCreateTemplateRot.m
- hCreateTextModel.m
- hCreateTextModelReader.m
- hCreateTrainedComponentModel.m
- hCreateUncalibDescriptorModel.m
- hCreateVariationModel.m
- hCriticalPointsSubPix.m
- hCropContoursXld.m
- hCropDomain.m
- hCropDomainRel.m
- hCropPart.m
- hCropRectangle1.m
- hDeactivateAllComputeDevices.m
- hDeactivateComputeDevice.m
- hDecode1dBarCode.m
- hDecode2dBarCode.m
- hDecodeBarCodeRectangle2.m
- hDecompose2.m
- hDecompose3.m
- hDecompose4.m
- hDecompose5.m
- hDecompose6.m
- hDecompose7.m
- hDecomposeMatrix.m
- hDefault.m
- hDeleteFile.m
- hDepthFromFocus.m
- hDequeueMessage.m
- hDerivateFunct1d.m
- hDerivateGauss.m
- hDerivateVectorField.m
- hDescriptClassBox.m
- hDeserializeBarCodeModel.m
- hDeserializeCalibData.m
- hDeserializeCameraSetupModel.m
- hDeserializeCamPar.m
- hDeserializeClassBox.m
- hDeserializeClassGmm.m
- hDeserializeClassKnn.m
- hDeserializeClassMlp.m
- hDeserializeClassSvm.m
- hDeserializeClassTrainData.m
- hDeserializeComponentModel.m
- hDeserializeDataCode2dModel.m
- hDeserializeDeformableModel.m
- hDeserializeDeformableSurfaceModel.m
- hDeserializeDescriptorModel.m
- hDeserializeDistanceTransformXld.m
- hDeserializeFftOptimizationData.m
- hDeserializeHomMat2d.m
- hDeserializeHomMat3d.m
- hDeserializeImage.m
- hDeserializeMatrix.m
- hDeserializeMeasure.m
- hDeserializeMetrologyModel.m
- hDeserializeNccModel.m
- hDeserializeObject.m
- hDeserializeObjectModel3d.m
- hDeserializeOcr.m
- hDeserializeOcrClassKnn.m
- hDeserializeOcrClassMlp.m
- hDeserializeOcrClassSvm.m
- hDeserializeOcv.m
- hDeserializePose.m
- hDeserializeQuat.m
- hDeserializeRegion.m
- hDeserializeSampleIdentifier.m
- hDeserializeShapeModel.m
- hDeserializeShapeModel3d.m
- hDeserializeSheetOfLightModel.m
- hDeserializeSurfaceModel.m
- hDeserializeTemplate.m
- hDeserializeTrainingComponents.m
- hDeserializeTuple.m
- hDeserializeVariationModel.m
- hDeserializeXld.m
- hDetachBackgroundFromWindow.m
- hDetachDrawingObjectFromWindow.m
- hDetectEdgeSegments.m
- hDeterminantMatrix.m
- hDetermineDeformableModelParams.m
- hDetermineNccModelParams.m
- hDetermineShapeModelParams.m
- hDevClearObj.m
- hDevClearWindow.m
- hDevCloseInspectCtrl.m
- hDevCloseTool.m
- hDevCloseWindow.m
- hDevDisplay.m
- hDevErrorVar.m
- hDevGetExceptionData.m
- hDevGetPreferences.m
- hDevGetSystem.m
- hDevGetWindow.m
- hDeviationImage.m
- hDeviationN.m
- hDevInspectCtrl.m
- hDevMapPar.m
- hDevMapProg.m
- hDevMapVar.m
- hDevOpenDialog.m
- hDevOpenFileDialog.m
- hDevOpenTool.m
- hDevOpenWindow.m
- hDevSetCheck.m
- hDevSetColor.m
- hDevSetColored.m
- hDevSetDraw.m
- hDevSetLineWidth.m
- hDevSetLut.m
- hDevSetPaint.m
- hDevSetPart.m
- hDevSetPreferences.m
- hDevSetShape.m
- hDevSetToolGeometry.m
- hDevSetWindow.m
- hDevSetWindowExtents.m
- hDevShowTool.m
- hDevUnmapPar.m
- hDevUnmapProg.m
- hDevUnmapVar.m
- hDevUpdatePc.m
- hDevUpdateTime.m
- hDevUpdateVar.m
- hDevUpdateWindow.m
- hDiameterRegion.m
- hDiameterXld.m
- hDifference.m
- hDifferenceClosedContoursXld.m
- hDifferenceClosedPolygonsXld.m
- hDiffOfGauss.m
- hDilation1.m
- hDilation2.m
- hDilationCircle.m
- hDilationGolay.m
- hDilationRectangle1.m
- hDilationSeq.m
- hDiscrete1dBarCode.m
- hDispArc.m
- hDisparityImageToXyz.m
- hDisparityToDistance.m
- hDisparityToPoint3d.m
- hDispArrow.m
- hDispCaltab.m
- hDispChannel.m
- hDispCircle.m
- hDispColor.m
- hDispCross.m
- hDispDistribution.m
- hDispEllipse.m
- hDispImage.m
- hDisplayScene3d.m
- hDispLine.m
- hDispLut.m
- hDispObj.m
- hDispObjectModel3d.m
- hDispPolygon.m
- hDispRectangle1.m
- hDispRectangle2.m
- hDispRegion.m
- hDispXld.m
- hDistanceCc.m
- hDistanceCcMin.m
- hDistanceContoursXld.m
- hDistanceFunct1d.m
- hDistanceLc.m
- hDistanceLr.m
- hDistanceObjectModel3d.m
- hDistancePc.m
- hDistancePl.m
- hDistancePp.m
- hDistancePr.m
- hDistancePs.m
- hDistanceRrMin.m
- hDistanceRrMinDil.m
- hDistanceSc.m
- hDistanceSl.m
- hDistanceSr.m
- hDistanceSs.m
- hDistanceToDisparity.m
- hDistanceTransform.m
- hDistEllipseContourPointsXld.m
- hDistEllipseContourXld.m
- hDistRectangle2ContourPointsXld.m
- hDivElementMatrix.m
- hDivElementMatrixMod.m
- hDivImage.m
- hDoOcrMulti.m
- hDoOcrMultiClassKnn.m
- hDoOcrMultiClassMlp.m
- hDoOcrMultiClassSvm.m
- hDoOcrSingle.m
- hDoOcrSingleClassKnn.m
- hDoOcrSingleClassMlp.m
- hDoOcrSingleClassSvm.m
- hDoOcrWordKnn.m
- hDoOcrWordMlp.m
- hDoOcrWordSvm.m
- hDoOcvSimple.m
- hDotsImage.m
- hDragRegion1.m
- hDragRegion2.m
- hDragRegion3.m
- hDrawCircle.m
- hDrawCircleMod.m
- hDrawEllipse.m
- hDrawEllipseMod.m
- hDrawLine.m
- hDrawLineMod.m
- hDrawLut.m
- hDrawNurbs.m
- hDrawNurbsInterp.m
- hDrawNurbsInterpMod.m
- hDrawNurbsMod.m
- hDrawPoint.m
- hDrawPointMod.m
- hDrawPolygon.m
- hDrawRectangle1.m
- hDrawRectangle1Mod.m
- hDrawRectangle2.m
- hDrawRectangle2Mod.m
- hDrawRegion.m
- hDrawXld.m
- hDrawXldMod.m
- hDualRank.m
- hDualThreshold.m
- hDumpWindow.m
- hDumpWindowImage.m
- hDynThreshold.m
- hEccentricity.m
- hEccentricityPointsXld.m
- hEccentricityXld.m
- hEdgesColor.m
- hEdgesColorSubPix.m
- hEdgesImage.m
- hEdgesSubPix.m
- hEigenvaluesGeneralMatrix.m
- hEigenvaluesSymmetricMatrix.m
- hEliminateMinMax.m
- hEliminateRuns.m
- hEliminateSp.m
- hEllipticAxis.m
- hEllipticAxisGray.m
- hEllipticAxisPointsXld.m
- hEllipticAxisXld.m
- hElse.m
- hElseif.m
- hEmphasize.m
- hEndfor.m
- hEndif.m
- hEndswitch.m
- hEndtry.m
- hEndwhile.m
- hEnergyGabor.m
- hEnqueueMessage.m
- hEnquireClassBox.m
- hEnquireRejectClassBox.m
- hEntropyGray.m
- hEntropyImage.m
- hEquHistoImage.m
- hErosion1.m
- hErosion2.m
- hErosionCircle.m
- hErosionGolay.m
- hErosionRectangle1.m
- hErosionSeq.m
- hEssentialToFundamentalMatrix.m
- hEstimateAlAm.m
- hEstimateNoise.m
- hEstimateSlAlLr.m
- hEstimateSlAlZc.m
- hEstimateTiltLr.m
- hEstimateTiltZc.m
- hEulerNumber.m
- hEvaluateClassGmm.m
- hEvaluateClassMlp.m
- hEvaluateClassSvm.m
- hExecutableExpression.m
- hExhaustiveMatch.m
- hExhaustiveMatchMg.m
- hExit.m
- hExpandDomainGray.m
- hExpandGray.m
- hExpandGrayRef.m
- hExpandLine.m
- hExpandRegion.m
- hExpImage.m
- hExportDef.m
- hFastMatch.m
- hFastMatchMg.m
- hFastThreshold.m
- hFftGeneric.m
- hFftImage.m
- hFftImageInv.m
- hFileExists.m
- hFillInterlace.m
- hFillUp.m
- hFillUpShape.m
- hFilterKalman.m
- hFind1dBarCode.m
- hFind1dBarCodeRegion.m
- hFind1dBarCodeScanline.m
- hFind2dBarCode.m
- hFindAnisoShapeModel.m
- hFindAnisoShapeModels.m
- hFindBarCode.m
- hFindCalibDescriptorModel.m
- hFindCalibObject.m
- hFindCaltab.m
- hFindComponentModel.m
- hFindDataCode2d.m
- hFindDeformableSurfaceModel.m
- hFindLocalDeformableModel.m
- hFindMarksAndPose.m
- hFindNccModel.m
- hFindNeighbors.m
- hFindPlanarCalibDeformableModel.m
- hFindPlanarUncalibDeformableModel.m
- hFindRectificationGrid.m
- hFindScaledShapeModel.m
- hFindScaledShapeModels.m
- hFindShapeModel.m
- hFindShapeModel3d.m
- hFindShapeModels.m
- hFindSurfaceModel.m
- hFindText.m
- hFindUncalibDescriptorModel.m
- hFitCircleContourXld.m
- hFitEllipseContourXld.m
- hFitLineContourXld.m
- hFitPrimitivesObjectModel3d.m
- hFitRectangle2ContourXld.m
- hFitSurfaceFirstOrder.m
- hFitSurfaceSecondOrder.m
- hFitting.m
- hFnewLine.m
- hFor.m
- hFourier1dim.m
- hFourier1dimInv.m
- hFreadChar.m
- hFreadLine.m
- hFreadSerializedItem.m
- hFreadString.m
- hFreiAmp.m
- hFreiDir.m
- hFullDomain.m
- hFunct1dToPairs.m
- hFuzzyEntropy.m
- hFuzzyMeasurePairing.m
- hFuzzyMeasurePairs.m
- hFuzzyMeasurePos.m
- hFuzzyPerimeter.m
- hFwriteSerializedItem.m
- hFwriteString.m
- hGammaImage.m
- hGaussDistribution.m
- hGaussFilter.m
- hGaussImage.m
- hGen1dBarCodeDescr.m
- hGen1dBarCodeDescrGen.m
- hGen2dBarCodeDescr.m
- hGenArbitraryDistortionMap.m
- hGenBandfilter.m
- hGenBandpass.m
- hGenBinocularProjRectification.m
- hGenBinocularRectificationMap.m
- hGenBoxObjectModel3d.m
- hGenBundleAdjustedMosaic.m
- hGenCaltab.m
- hGenCheckerRegion.m
- hGenCircle.m
- hGenCircleContourXld.m
- hGenCircleSector.m
- hGenContourNurbsXld.m
- hGenContourPolygonRoundedXld.m
- hGenContourPolygonXld.m
- hGenContourRegionXld.m
- hGenContoursSkeletonXld.m
- hGenCoocMatrix.m
- hGenCrossContourXld.m
- hGenCubeMapMosaic.m
- hGenCylinderObjectModel3d.m
- hGenDerivativeFilter.m
- hGenDiscSe.m
- hGenEllipse.m
- hGenEllipseContourXld.m
- hGenEllipseSector.m
- hGenEmptyObj.m
- hGenEmptyObjectModel3d.m
- hGenEmptyRegion.m
- hGeneralizedEigenvaluesGeneralMatrix.m
- hGeneralizedEigenvaluesSymmetricMatrix.m
- hGenFilterMask.m
- hGenGabor.m
- hGenGaussFilter.m
- hGenGaussPyramid.m
- hGenGridRectificationMap.m
- hGenGridRegion.m
- hGenHighpass.m
- hGenImage1.m
- hGenImage1Extern.m
- hGenImage1Rect.m
- hGenImage3.m
- hGenImage3Extern.m
- hGenImageConst.m
- hGenImageGrayRamp.m
- hGenImageInterleaved.m
- hGenImageProto.m
- hGenImageSurfaceFirstOrder.m
- hGenImageSurfaceSecondOrder.m
- hGenImageToWorldPlaneMap.m
- hGenInitialComponents.m
- hGenLowpass.m
- hGenMeanFilter.m
- hGenMeasureArc.m
- hGenMeasureRectangle2.m
- hGenNurbsInterp.m
- hGenObjectModel3dFromPoints.m
- hGenParallelContourXld.m
- hGenParallelsXld.m
- hGenPlaneObjectModel3d.m
- hGenPolygonsXld.m
- hGenPrincipalCompTrans.m
- hGenProjectiveMosaic.m
- hGenPsfDefocus.m
- hGenPsfMotion.m
- hGenRadialDistortionMap.m
- hGenRandomRegion.m
- hGenRandomRegions.m
- hGenRectangle1.m
- hGenRectangle2.m
- hGenRectangle2ContourXld.m
- hGenRegionContourXld.m
- hGenRegionHisto.m
- hGenRegionHline.m
- hGenRegionLine.m
- hGenRegionPoints.m
- hGenRegionPolygon.m
- hGenRegionPolygonFilled.m
- hGenRegionPolygonXld.m
- hGenRegionRuns.m
- hGenSinBandpass.m
- hGenSphereObjectModel3d.m
- hGenSphereObjectModel3dCenter.m
- hGenSphericalMosaic.m
- hGenStdBandpass.m
- hGenStructElements.m
- hGet1dBarCode.m
- hGet1dBarCodeScanline.m
- hGet2dBarCode.m
- hGet2dBarCodePos.m
- hGetAopInfo.m
- hGetBarCodeObject.m
- hGetBarCodeParam.m
- hGetBarCodeParamSpecific.m
- hGetBarCodeResult.m
- hGetBeadInspectionParam.m
- hGetBgEstiParams.m
- hGetCalibData.m
- hGetCalibDataObservContours.m
- hGetCalibDataObservPoints.m
- hGetCalibDataObservPose.m
- hGetCameraSetupParam.m
- hGetChannelInfo.m
- hGetChapterInfo.m
- hGetCheck.m
- hGetCirclePose.m
- hGetClassBoxParam.m
- hGetClassTrainDataGmm.m
- hGetClassTrainDataKnn.m
- hGetClassTrainDataMlp.m
- hGetClassTrainDataSvm.m
- hGetComponentModelParams.m
- hGetComponentModelTree.m
- hGetComponentRelations.m
- hGetComprise.m
- hGetComputeDeviceInfo.m
- hGetComputeDeviceParam.m
- hGetContourAngleXld.m
- hGetContourAttribXld.m
- hGetContourGlobalAttribXld.m
- hGetContourXld.m
- hGetCurrentDir.m
- hGetDataCode2dObjects.m
- hGetDataCode2dParam.m
- hGetDataCode2dResults.m
- hGetDeformableModelContours.m
- hGetDeformableModelOrigin.m
- hGetDeformableModelParams.m
- hGetDeformableSurfaceMatchingResult.m
- hGetDeformableSurfaceModelParam.m
- hGetDescriptorModelOrigin.m
- hGetDescriptorModelParams.m
- hGetDescriptorModelPoints.m
- hGetDescriptorModelResults.m
- hGetDiagonalMatrix.m
- hGetDisplayScene3dInfo.m
- hGetDispObjectModel3dInfo.m
- hGetDistanceTransformXldContour.m
- hGetDistanceTransformXldParam.m
- hGetDomain.m
- hGetDraw.m
- hGetDrawingObjectIconic.m
- hGetDrawingObjectParams.m
- hGetErrorText.m
- hGetExtendedErrorInfo.m
- hGetFeaturesOcrClassKnn.m
- hGetFeaturesOcrClassMlp.m
- hGetFeaturesOcrClassSvm.m
- hGetFix.m
- hGetFixedLut.m
- hGetFont.m
- hGetFontExtents.m
- hGetFoundComponentModel.m
- hGetFramegrabberCallback.m
- hGetFramegrabberLut.m
- hGetFramegrabberParam.m
- hGetFullMatrix.m
- hGetGrayval.m
- hGetGrayvalContourXld.m
- hGetGrayvalInterpolated.m
- hGetHsi.m
- hGetIcon.m
- hGetImagePointer1.m
- hGetImagePointer1Rect.m
- hGetImagePointer3.m
- hGetImageSize.m
- hGetImageTime.m
- hGetImageType.m
- hGetInsert.m
- hGetIoChannelParam.m
- hGetIoDeviceParam.m
- hGetKeywords.m
- hGetLineApprox.m
- hGetLineOfSight.m
- hGetLineStyle.m
- hGetLinesXld.m
- hGetLineWidth.m
- hGetLut.m
- hGetLutStyle.m
- hGetMbutton.m
- hGetMbuttonSubPix.m
- hGetMessageObj.m
- hGetMessageParam.m
- hGetMessageQueueParam.m
- hGetMessageTuple.m
- hGetMetrologyModelParam.m
- hGetMetrologyObjectFuzzyParam.m
- hGetMetrologyObjectIndices.m
- hGetMetrologyObjectMeasures.m
- hGetMetrologyObjectModelContour.m
- hGetMetrologyObjectNumInstances.m
- hGetMetrologyObjectParam.m
- hGetMetrologyObjectResult.m
- hGetMetrologyObjectResultContour.m
- hGetModules.m
- hGetMposition.m
- hGetMpositionSubPix.m
- hGetMshape.m
- hGetNccModelOrigin.m
- hGetNccModelParams.m
- hGetNextSocketDataType.m
- hGetObjClass.m
- hGetObjectModel3dParams.m
- hGetOperatorInfo.m
- hGetOperatorName.m
- hGetOsWindowHandle.m
- hGetPaint.m
- hGetPairFunct1d.m
- hGetParallelsXld.m
- hGetParamInfo.m
- hGetParamNames.m
- hGetParamNum.m
- hGetParamsClassGmm.m
- hGetParamsClassKnn.m
- hGetParamsClassMlp.m
- hGetParamsClassSvm.m
- hGetParamsOcrClassKnn.m
- hGetParamsOcrClassMlp.m
- hGetParamsOcrClassSvm.m
- hGetParamTypes.m
- hGetPart.m
- hGetPartStyle.m
- hGetPixel.m
- hGetPointsEllipse.m
- hGetPolygonXld.m
- hGetPoseType.m
- hGetPrepInfoClassGmm.m
- hGetPrepInfoClassMlp.m
- hGetPrepInfoClassSvm.m
- hGetPrepInfoOcrClassMlp.m
- hGetPrepInfoOcrClassSvm.m
- hGetRectanglePose.m
- hGetRegionChain.m
- hGetRegionContour.m
- hGetRegionConvex.m
- hGetRegionIndex.m
- hGetRegionPoints.m
- hGetRegionPolygon.m
- hGetRegionRuns.m
- hGetRegionThickness.m
- hGetRegressParamsXld.m
- hGetRegularizationParamsClassMlp.m
- hGetRegularizationParamsOcrClassMlp.m
- hGetRejectionParamsClassMlp.m
- hGetRejectionParamsOcrClassMlp.m
- hGetRgb.m
- hGetSampleClassGmm.m
- hGetSampleClassKnn.m
- hGetSampleClassMlp.m
- hGetSampleClassSvm.m
- hGetSampleClassTrainData.m
- hGetSampleIdentifierObjectInfo.m
- hGetSampleIdentifierParam.m
- hGetSampleNumClassGmm.m
- hGetSampleNumClassKnn.m
- hGetSampleNumClassMlp.m
- hGetSampleNumClassSvm.m
- hGetSampleNumClassTrainData.m
- hGetSerializedItemPtr.m
- hGetSerialParam.m
- hGetShape.m
- hGetShapeModel3dContours.m
- hGetShapeModel3dParams.m
- hGetShapeModelContours.m
- hGetShapeModelOrigin.m
- hGetShapeModelParams.m
- hGetSheetOfLightParam.m
- hGetSheetOfLightResult.m
- hGetSheetOfLightResultObjectModel3d.m
- hGetSizeMatrix.m
- hGetSocketDescriptor.m
- hGetSocketParam.m
- hGetSocketTimeout.m
- hGetSpy.m
- hGetStereoModelImagePairs.m
- hGetStereoModelObject.m
- hGetStereoModelParam.m
- hGetStringExtents.m
- hGetSubMatrix.m
- hGetSupportVectorClassSvm.m
- hGetSupportVectorNumClassSvm.m
- hGetSupportVectorNumOcrClassSvm.m
- hGetSupportVectorOcrClassSvm.m
- hGetSurfaceMatchingResult.m
- hGetSurfaceModelParam.m
- hGetSystem.m
- hGetSystemTime.m
- hGetTextModelParam.m
- hGetTextObject.m
- hGetTextResult.m
- hGetThreadingAttrib.m
- hGetThreshImagesVariationModel.m
- hGetTposition.m
- hGetTrainingComponents.m
- hGetTshape.m
- hGetValueMatrix.m
- hGetVariationModel.m
- hGetWindowAttr.m
- hGetWindowBackgroundImage.m
- hGetWindowExtents.m
- hGetWindowParam.m
- hGetWindowPointer3.m
- hGetWindowType.m
- hGetYValueFunct1d.m
- hGiveBgEsti.m
- hGlobal.m
- hGnuplotClose.m
- hGnuplotOpenFile.m
- hGnuplotOpenPipe.m
- hGnuplotPlotCtrl.m
- hGnuplotPlotFunct1d.m
- hGnuplotPlotImage.m
- hGolayElements.m
- hGrabData.m
- hGrabDataAsync.m
- hGrabImage.m
- hGrabImageAsync.m
- hGrabImageStart.m
- hGrayBothat.m
- hGrayClosing.m
- hGrayClosingRect.m
- hGrayClosingShape.m
- hGrayDilation.m
- hGrayDilationRect.m
- hGrayDilationShape.m
- hGrayErosion.m
- hGrayErosionRect.m
- hGrayErosionShape.m
- hGrayFeatures.m
- hGrayHisto.m
- hGrayHistoAbs.m
- hGrayHistoRange.m
- hGrayInside.m
- hGrayOpening.m
- hGrayOpeningRect.m
- hGrayOpeningShape.m
- hGrayProjections.m
- hGrayRangeRect.m
- hGraySkeleton.m
- hGrayTophat.m
- hHammingChangeRegion.m
- hHammingDistance.m
- hHammingDistanceNorm.m
- hHandEyeCalibration.m
- hHarmonicInterpolation.m
- hHBarCode.m
- hHBarCode1D.m
- hHBarCode2D.m
- hHBarrier.m
- hHBeadInspectionModel.m
- hHBgEsti.m
- hHCalibData.m
- hHCameraSetupModel.m
- hHClassBox.m
- hHClassGmm.m
- hHClassKnn.m
- hHClassLUT.m
- hHClassMlp.m
- hHClassSvm.m
- hHClassTrainData.m
- hHColorTransLUT.m
- hHComponentModel.m
- hHComponentTraining.m
- hHComputeDevice.m
- hHCondition.m
- hHDataCode2D.m
- hHDeformableModel.m
- hHDeformableSurfaceMatchingResult.m
- hHDeformableSurfaceModel.m
- hHDescriptorModel.m
- hHDrawingObject.m
- hHEvent.m
- hHFeatureSet.m
- hHFile.m
- hHFramegrabber.m
- hHFunction1D.m
- hHGnuplot.m
- hHHomMat2D.m
- hHHomMat3D.m
- hHighpassImage.m
- hHImage.m
- hHImageArray.m
- hHInfo.m
- hHIOChannel.m
- hHIODevice.m
- hHisto2dim.m
- hHistoToThresh.m
- hHitOrMiss.m
- hHitOrMissGolay.m
- hHitOrMissSeq.m
- hHLexicon.m
- hHMatrix.m
- hHMeasure.m
- hHMessage.m
- hHMessageQueue.m
- hHMetrologyModel.m
- hHMisc.m
- hHMutex.m
- hHNCCModel.m
- hHObject.m
- hHObjectModel3D.m
- hHOCRBox.m
- hHOCRKnn.m
- hHOCRMlp.m
- hHOCRSvm.m
- hHOCV.m
- hHomMat2dCompose.m
- hHomMat2dDeterminant.m
- hHomMat2dIdentity.m
- hHomMat2dInvert.m
- hHomMat2dReflect.m
- hHomMat2dReflectLocal.m
- hHomMat2dRotate.m
- hHomMat2dRotateLocal.m
- hHomMat2dScale.m
- hHomMat2dScaleLocal.m
- hHomMat2dSlant.m
- hHomMat2dSlantLocal.m
- hHomMat2dToAffinePar.m
- hHomMat2dTranslate.m
- hHomMat2dTranslateLocal.m
- hHomMat2dTranspose.m
- hHomMat3dCompose.m
- hHomMat3dDeterminant.m
- hHomMat3dIdentity.m
- hHomMat3dInvert.m
- hHomMat3dProject.m
- hHomMat3dRotate.m
- hHomMat3dRotateLocal.m
- hHomMat3dScale.m
- hHomMat3dScaleLocal.m
- hHomMat3dToPose.m
- hHomMat3dTranslate.m
- hHomMat3dTranslateLocal.m
- hHomMat3dTranspose.m
- hHomVectorToProjHomMat2d.m
- hHOperatorSet.m
- hHoughCircles.m
- hHoughCircleTrans.m
- hHoughLines.m
- hHoughLinesDir.m
- hHoughLineTrans.m
- hHoughLineTransDir.m
- hHPose.m
- hHQuaternion.m
- hHRegion.m
- hHRegionArray.m
- hHSampleIdentifier.m
- hHScatteredDataInterpolator.m
- hHScene3D.m
- hHSerial.m
- hHSerializedItem.m
- hHShapeModel.m
- hHShapeModel3D.m
- hHSheetOfLightModel.m
- hHSocket.m
- hHStereoModel.m
- hHSurfaceMatchingResult.m
- hHSurfaceModel.m
- hHSystem.m
- hHTemplate.m
- hHTextModel.m
- hHTextResult.m
- hHTuple.m
- hHUntypedObject.m
- hHVariationModel.m
- hHWindow.m
- hHXLD.m
- hHXLDArray.m
- hHXLDCont.m
- hHXLDContArray.m
- hHXLDDistTrans.m
- hHXLDExtPara.m
- hHXLDExtParaArray.m
- hHXLDModPara.m
- hHXLDPara.m
- hHXLDParaArray.m
- hHXLDPoly.m
- hHXLDPolyArray.m
- hHysteresisThreshold.m
- hIf.m
- hIfelse.m
- hIlluminate.m
- hImagePointsToWorldPlane.m
- hImageToChannels.m
- hImageToWorldPlane.m
- hImport.m
- hImportLexicon.m
- hIndex.m
- hIndexByName.m
- hIndexClasses.m
- hInfoEdges.m
- hInfoFramegrabber.m
- hInfoOcrClassBox.m
- hInfoParallelsXld.m
- hInfoSmooth.m
- hInitComputeDevice.m
- hInnerCircle.m
- hInnerRectangle1.m
- hInpaintingAniso.m
- hInpaintingCed.m
- hInpaintingCt.m
- hInpaintingMcf.m
- hInpaintingTexture.m
- hInsert.m
- hInspectClusteredComponents.m
- hInspectLexicon.m
- hInspectShapeModel.m
- hIntegerToObj.m
- hIntegrateFunct1d.m
- hIntensity.m
- hInterjacent.m
- hInterpolateScatteredData.m
- hInterpolateScatteredDataImage.m
- hInterpolateScatteredDataPointsToImage.m
- hIntersection.m
- hIntersectionCircleContourXld.m
- hIntersectionCircles.m
- hIntersectionClosedContoursXld.m
- hIntersectionClosedPolygonsXld.m
- hIntersectionContoursXld.m
- hIntersectionLineCircle.m
- hIntersectionLineContourXld.m
- hIntersectionLines.m
- hIntersectionLl.m
- hIntersectionSegmentCircle.m
- hIntersectionSegmentContourXld.m
- hIntersectionSegmentLine.m
- hIntersectionSegments.m
- hIntersectLinesOfSight.m
- hIntersectPlaneObjectModel3d.m
- hInvarFourierCoeff.m
- hInvertFunct1d.m
- hInvertImage.m
- hInvertMatrix.m
- hInvertMatrixMod.m
- hIsotropicDiffusion.m
- hJunctionsSkeleton.m
- hKirschAmp.m
- hKirschDir.m
- hLabelToRegion.m
- hLaplace.m
- hLaplaceOfGauss.m
- hLearnClassBox.m
- hLearnNdimBox.m
- hLearnNdimNorm.m
- hLearnSampsetBox.m
- hLengthXld.m
- hLinearTransColor.m
- hLineOrientation.m
- hLinePosition.m
- hLinesColor.m
- hLinesFacet.m
- hLinesGauss.m
- hListFiles.m
- hLoadParKnowledge.m
- hLocalMax.m
- hLocalMaxContoursXld.m
- hLocalMaxSubPix.m
- hLocalMin.m
- hLocalMinMaxFunct1d.m
- hLocalMinSubPix.m
- hLocalThreshold.m
- hLockMutex.m
- hLogImage.m
- hLookupLexicon.m
- hLowlands.m
- hLowlandsCenter.m
- hLutTrans.m
- hMakeDir.m
- hMapImage.m
- hMatchEssentialMatrixRansac.m
- hMatchFourierCoeff.m
- hMatchFunct1dTrans.m
- hMatchFundamentalMatrixDistortionRansac.m
- hMatchFundamentalMatrixRansac.m
- hMatchRelPoseRansac.m
- hMaxDiameterObjectModel3d.m
- hMaxImage.m
- hMaxMatrix.m
- hMaxParallelsXld.m
- hMeanCurvatureFlow.m
- hMeanImage.m
- hMeanMatrix.m
- hMeanN.m
- hMeanSp.m
- hMeasurePairs.m
- hMeasurePos.m
- hMeasureProfileSheetOfLight.m
- hMeasureProjection.m
- hMeasureThresh.m
- hMedianImage.m
- hMedianRect.m
- hMedianSeparate.m
- hMedianWeighted.m
- hMergeContLineScanXld.m
- hMergeRegionsLineScan.m
- hMidrangeImage.m
- hMinImage.m
- hMinkowskiAdd1.m
- hMinkowskiAdd2.m
- hMinkowskiSub1.m
- hMinkowskiSub2.m
- hMinMatrix.m
- hMinMaxGray.m
- hMirrorImage.m
- hMirrorRegion.m
- hModifyComponentRelations.m
- hModParallelsXld.m
- hMomentsAnyPointsXld.m
- hMomentsAnyXld.m
- hMomentsGrayPlane.m
- hMomentsObjectModel3d.m
- hMomentsPointsXld.m
- hMomentsRegion2nd.m
- hMomentsRegion2ndInvar.m
- hMomentsRegion2ndRelInvar.m
- hMomentsRegion3rd.m
- hMomentsRegion3rdInvar.m
- hMomentsRegionCentral.m
- hMomentsRegionCentralInvar.m
- hMomentsXld.m
- hMonotony.m
- hMorphHat.m
- hMorphSkeleton.m
- hMorphSkiz.m
- hMoveContourOrig.m
- hMoveRectangle.m
- hMoveRegion.m
- hMultElementMatrix.m
- hMultElementMatrixMod.m
- hMultImage.m
- hMultMatrix.m
- hMultMatrixMod.m
- hNegateFunct1d.m
- hNewExternWindow.m
- hNewLine.m