rgbmap color maps
This function requires the rgb function found here: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/46872
The rgb function uses a database which was created by showing hundreds of thousands of viewers more than 900 of the most commonly-used colors on the internet, and getting users to use their own words to describe that color. The result is a database of the most commonly-used names for colors, the way they are perceived on computer monitors.
The rgbmap function presented here creates color maps using any number of these strings as inputs.
cmap = rgbmap('first color name','second color name')
cmap = rgbmap('first color name','second color name',...,'nth color name')
cmap = rgbmap(...,levels)
cmap = rgbmap('first color name','second color name') creates an RGB color map cmap from some first color to a second color.
cmap = rgbmap('first color name','second color name',...,'nth color name') creates a color map linearly scaled between any number of colors.
cmap = rgbmap(...,M) specifies the approximate number of levels |M| of the M x 3 output colormap.
rgbmap(...) sets the color map without creating an array in the workspace.
The example image shown above was created like this:
rgbmap('pinkish purple','dark taupe','tiffany blue','azure','army green')
Chad Greene (2025). rgbmap color maps (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/46874-rgbmap-color-maps), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .
MATLAB 版本兼容性
Windows macOS Linux类别
- MATLAB > Graphics > Formatting and Annotation > Colormaps > Green >
- MATLAB > Graphics > Formatting and Annotation > Colormaps > Blue >
参考作品: freezeColors / unfreezeColors, COLORMAP and COLORBAR utilities (Jul 2014), RGB triple of color name, version 2, Red Blue Colormap, Generate maximally perceptually-distinct colors, XKCDIFY, Build custom colormaps, AdvancedColormap, rgb2hex and hex2rgb, Intuitive RGB color values from XKCD
启发作品: paruly, Cyclic color map, Convert between RGB and Color Names, How to map sea level rise, MatPlotLib Perceptually Uniform Colormaps
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