Orthogonal Array

版本 (1.3 KB) 作者: Yogananda Jeppu
This program generates an Orthogonal Array of strength 2
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更新时间 2014/7/14


Generate an Orthogonal Array using simple permutation method. The algorithm was provided in the paper Leung et. al.
Calling A=OA_PERMUT(Q,N,J)

Q = the number of levels
N = the number of factors or columns
J is selected such that number of rows is equal to Q^J and
N = (Q^J - 1)/(Q-1)

Tested on oa_permut(3,4,2) given in paper
Tested on Taguchi L64 array oa_permut(2,63,6)

Reference: Leung, Y.-W.; Yuping Wang,"An orthogonal genetic algorithm with quantization for global numerical optimization," Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on , vol.5, no.1, pp.41,53, Feb 2001, doi: 10.1109/4235.910464


Yogananda Jeppu (2025). Orthogonal Array (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/47218-orthogonal-array), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

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