Conditional Logit

版本 (3.9 KB) 作者: Jared Ashworth
A conditional logit function that allows restrictions
585.0 次下载
更新时间 2014/7/29


A conditional logit is a form of multinomial logit where the variables are allowed to vary over alternatives. This has functionality similar to Stata's asclogit command.

clogit.m is the function to be submitted to an optimization tool (most notably fminunc). It can be specified to have all, some, or no variables vary over alternatives. It accepts a restriction matrix of the form created by the user-submitted function "Apply Restrictions" (see below).

pclogit.m returns the probabilities based on the parameters estimated by clogit.m

asclogitSim.m is a small example.


Jared Ashworth (2024). Conditional Logit (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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创建方式 R2012b
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