Radar Cross Section for Rain Volume

版本 (2.7 KB) 作者: Silvano Bertoldo
Evaluation of volumetric radar cross section of a rain fields of a certain intensity
446.0 次下载
更新时间 2014/10/3


nVolumeRCS = RainVolumeRCA( nTeta, nFi, nRange, nFrequency, nTauOrBW, nRainRate, nType, nA, nB, nPercentage )
Evaluation of volumetric radar cross section of a rain fields
filling the radar antenna lobe in a certain percentage

-- INPUT --
nTeta: 3 dB angle horizontal plane antenna [°]
nFi: 3 dB angle vertical plane antenna [°]
nRange: range at which the rain cell is located [m]
nFrequency: operatinng frequency of the radar system [Hz]
nTauOrBW: pulse length of the radar system [s] FOR PULSED RADAR SYSTEM
or sweep bandwidth [Hz] FOR CW RADAR SYSTEM
nRainRate: rain rate of the rain cell [mm/h]
nTypeRadar: 0 is for PULSED
1 is for CW radar
nA: 'a' OPTIONAL coefficient in the Marshal and Palmer equation to
convert rain rate R in relectivity Z. Default value 300.
nB: 'B' OPTIONAL coefficient in the Marshal and Palmer equation to
convert rain rate R in relectivity Z. Default value 1.6.
nPercenage: OPTIONAL percentage of filling of the main lobe of the
antenna (1 - 100). If it is not specified, the default
value is 100;

-- OUTPUT --
nVolumeRCS: volumetric radar cross section that can be used in the
standard radar equation


Silvano Bertoldo (2025). Radar Cross Section for Rain Volume (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/48003-radar-cross-section-for-rain-volume), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

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