A DWT based lossless gray Image Compression

版本 (233.6 KB) 作者: Said BOUREZG
a technique of gray image compression using the discrete wavelet transform is presented in this code
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更新时间 2015/2/28


In this code, a new hybrid technique using the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is presented. We show evaluation using the Power Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) as a measure of quality, we show that DWT with threshold, Quantization, and combination of RLE and Huffman as coding stage, provides a better performance than JPEG in terms of PSNR and we can get an important CR.
Our Algorithm is like that:
Reading image-->DWT transformation-->Thresholding-->Quantization-->RLE encoding--> Huffman encoding-->Save a compressed image in file (*.Hdwt)
in decompression steps we should open file(*.Hdwt) aafter that the steps will be like that: Huffman decoding-->RLE decoding--> Quantization inverse-->IDCT transformation-->Open image as Bmp image
main code to compress an image we only run compdct.m
To reconstruct our image we mean here if we want to decompress the file obtained before (.Hdwt) only we run this code and chose the file interested.
proba.m: frequency calculation.
rle.m: Run length encoding
irle.m: Inverse Run length encoding
abais.m: reduce value big than 255


Said BOUREZG (2024). A DWT based lossless gray Image Compression (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/49856-a-dwt-based-lossless-gray-image-compression), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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创建方式 R2010a
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Any one can improve this code by adding a Arithmetic coding stage or removing RLE.