Reduced Basis Decomposition

版本 (5.4 KB) 作者: Yanlai Chen
Employing a greedy algorithm, RBD approximates the column space of a matrix X faster than SVD does.
372.0 次下载
更新时间 2015/3/20


Reduced Basis Decomposition (RBD) is a new decomposition strategy inspired by the Reduced Basis Method. Given X the high-dimensional data, RBD approximates it by a product YT with Y being the low-dimensional surrogate and T the transformation matrix. This is done through a greedy algorithm thus very efficient. In fact, it is significantly faster than SVD with comparable accuracy in many cases shown.
RBD has been demonstrated to work well as a dimension reduction tool for many data mining tasks.


Yanlai Chen (2024). Reduced Basis Decomposition (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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