
版本 1.2 (10.9 KB) 作者: Adam Danz
Search command history within and across Matlab sessions
906.0 次下载
更新时间 2015/4/18


HxSearch.m allows user to search entire command history for key word(s) or phrase(s) and outputs full command lines containing the search item.
[SearchResults, NumCommandsAgo] = HxSearch (txtstr, specificity, max_output, session)
R = HxSearch ('save') >>> this will return a list of command history lines containing the word "save".
R = HxSearch ('save', 1) >>> this will return a list of command history lines beginning with the word "save".
R = HxSearch ('save', '', 50) >>> this will return up to 50 results (default is 20)
R = HxSearch ('save', '', '', 1) >>> this will only search your current session history
[R, N] = HxSearch ('save') >>> this also provides a vector of integers showing number of commands since R
Examples in use:
1) Display most recent 'load' command
[SearchRes, NumAgo] = HxSearch('load', 1, 1);
disp([SearchRes, ' was loaded ', num2str(NumAgo), ' commands ago.'])

2) re-load most recent file loaded
eval(HxSearch('load', 1,1));

3) see help HxSearch for more examples and information

In brief, Matlab versions earlier than R2014a save command history differently than current versions. This script works with both methods. See help HxSearch for more info.

My matlab vs is R2014a so please contact me if there are any bugs on other versions.


Adam Danz (2025). HxSearch (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/50551-hxsearch), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2014a
Windows macOS Linux
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版本 已发布 发行说明

Matlab versions earlier than R2014a will search history.m while newer versions will search history.xlm.

An example was wrong in the comments section.