Counting the Floating Point Operations (FLOPS)

版本 (575.7 KB) 作者: Hang Qian
Scan and parse each line of MATLAB codes, and infer FLOPS based on matrix sizes
4.5K 次下载
更新时间 2015/4/23


The program counts FLOPS of a MATLAB file, either as a script or function. By scanning and parsing each line of the MATLAB codes, we infer the floating point operations based on matrix sizes. Arithmetic operations, matrix decompositions, elementary functions and common statistics functions are counted. The program supports user-defined new rules, which can override our predetermined rules by a spreadsheet. For details of software usage, refer to the enclosed PDF documentation ‘User Guide for FLOPS’.

Step 1: Prepare your MATLAB codes in a script or function, say fileName.m.

Step 2: Save all the variables in a MAT file. For example:
save MATfileName.mat

Step 3: Profile the MATLAB codes.
profile on
(run your MATLAB codes here, say filename(A,B,C,D))
profileStruct = profile('info');

Step 4: Count FLOPS by calling the function

The parsing and counting results will be displayed on the screen and sent to output arguments.


Hang Qian (2024). Counting the Floating Point Operations (FLOPS) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2014a
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