Creation of Mach Bands image

A simple code to create and image with the Mach Bands.
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更新时间 2015/6/13


In this code I offer an implementation of the Band Mach image in black, white and gray levels. It will allow you to experiment this particular visual effect. Besides, for those who are introducint in the field of image processing with MATLAB, the function shows the differences between 'imshow' and 'imagesc' and the differences between UINT8 format and DOUBLE format. The function itself save the image in disk with PNG format and a depth of 16 bits per pixel.
The code is properly commented in English.
Any suggestion is welcomed!!!

Jesús Monge.


Jesús Monge-Álvarez (2024). Creation of Mach Bands image (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2013a
Windows macOS Linux
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