Simulation of Ultrasonography (US) image from MRI

A set of script and functions for simulating an US image from a MRI
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更新时间 2015/6/11


In these files I offer serveral functions and scripts which pretend to simulate an Ultrasonography (US) 2D image from three 3D MRI volumes. Obviously, I am not allowed to attach the medical data that I have used to test the codes. However, new user can use public MRI images. Your should include them in a folder: '/Simulation_US_from_MRI/Imagenes'.
I used three 3D MRI volumes of:
* T1 map
* T2 map
* Prontons Density (DP) map
Basically, the steps of the algotihm to simulate the US 2D image are the following:
1) Selection of a slice of each 3D MRI volume as the 'ground image'
2) Sampling the ground images so that they get the typical shape of an US image (sector shape)
3) Extraction of the edges of the sampling ground images
4) Application of a function of oppacity to simulate the behaviour of some tissues like bones.
5) Adding speckle noise. Previously, we have to characterize the tissues in the MRI ground images. We use one of the MRI images as a 'ground image' and the other two for tissue characterization. The 'ground image' selection is based on visual subjective assesment of the edge images. For my data, I selected DP map. T1 and T2 map were used for tissue characterization.
6) Interpolation of the final images to avoid the spaces which the sampling (second step) has produced.
The codes are properly commented in English.

Any comment or suggestion is welcome.

Jesús Monge.

Note: I know tha US images of the knee do not have sector shape; They are rectangular. However, most of US images follow sector shape, so I considered more realistic to implement this way. I did not have other available data, :(.


Jesús Monge-Álvarez (2024). Simulation of Ultrasonography (US) image from MRI (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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创建方式 R2013a
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