
版本 (2.0 KB) 作者: H K.Berg
img2xlsx is a function which transfers one or multiple image(s) to a new or existing xlsx-file.
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更新时间 2015/6/18


function addimage = img2xlsx(imagcell, varargin)
% This function adds one or multiple image(s) automatically to a new or
% existing Excel file. Firstly, this function is based on the tutorial of
% the MathWorks Support Team. see:
% This method works via ActiveX.
% The following parameter has to be filled in to execute this function
% succesfully:
% - imagecell = a cell array with the name(s) of the image(s) e.g.
% exampleOne = {image.eps}; or examplemulti = {'image1.eps';'image2.eps'};
% varargin input:
% 1. img2xlsx(imagcell, name)
% varargin{1} = name). If you have an existing xlsx-file,
% give the the name of the xlsx-file. Default = 'myfile.xlsx' thus creating a
% new xlsx-file.
% 2. img2xlsx(imagcell, name, DIR)
% varargin{2} = DIR. Directory where the exising xlsx-file and/or image(s)
% is/are situated. Default = pwd
% IMPORTANT: the image(s), which has to be transfered, should be in this
% directory! Otherwise this function cannot find the image(s). See lines
% 115/116.
% 3. img2xlsx(imagcell, name, DIR, sheet)
% varargin{3} = sheet. Select the sheet-number in which the image(s) has to
% be transfered too. If you want to add a sheet, fill in 'Add'. Default = 1.
% 4. imgxlsx(imagcell, name, DIR, sheet, dimensions)
% varargin{4} = dimensions. Provide the dimensions of the image(s) in a
% matrix like [LinkToFile,... (The file to link to.)
% SaveWithDocument,... (To save the picture with the document.)
% Left,... (The position (in points) of the upper-left corner of the picture relative to the upper-left corner of the document.)
% Top,... (The position (in points) of the upper-left corner of the picture relative to the top of the document.)
% Width,... (The width of the picture, in points.)
% Height] (The height of the picture, in points.)
% Default = [0,1,1,1,450,352]
% see:
% Version 1.0 06/13/2015 © H.K.Berg 2015
% Versions 1.1 06/18/2015 © H.K.Berg 2015
% If you want to change one variable in varargin and the rest stay as
% default, you can leave these varaible empty by [];
% e.g. img2xlsx(imagcell, [],[],[], [0,1,1,1,900,704])
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% If this function errors somewhere and you re-run it, a common error will
% be: READ-ONLY ERROR excel: (e.g. with existing xlsx-file: 'Test.xlsx'
% in directory 'di')
% img2xlsx(cell, 'Test.xlsx',di)
% Error using Interface.Microsoft_Excel_14.0_Object_Library._Workbook/SaveAs
% Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception:
% Source: Microsoft Excel
% Description: Cannot access read-only document 'Test.xlsx'.
% Help File: xlmain11.chm
% Help Context ID: 0
% Error in img2xlsx (line 113)
% invoke(Workbook, 'SaveAs', [DIR '\' name]);
% SOLUTION: End all Excel processes via the Task Manager and execute this
% function again.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------


H K.Berg (2024). img2xlsx (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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% If you want to change one variable in varargin and the rest stay as
% default, you can leave these varaible empty by [];
% e.g. img2xlsx(imagcell, [],[],[], [0,1,1,1,900,704])