
版本 (3.8 KB) 作者: Jordan Sorokin
removes false-positive neural spikes from a multi channel data matrix via inter-chan correlations
62.0 次下载
更新时间 2016/2/17


% --------[sptm,spam] = RemoveCorrSpikes(d,Fs,sptm,varargin)-------------
% Removes spikes from multichannel data that are highy correlated with
% other channels...usually on order of .85 or so. This technique helps eliminate
% false postivie spikes due to movement artifacts common in all channels.
% This code is an interpretation of:
% Paralikar et. al. 2010
% >>> INPUTS >>>
% Required:
% d = data matrix. note, if vector, function will end without doing
% anything. Needs to be in COLUMN format
% Fs = sampling rate
% sptm = matrix of spike times in samples. also in column format
% Optional:
% corr_thresh = correlation coefficient threshold for removing spikes.
% Default = 0.8
% spamp = matrix of spike amplitudes...doesn't contribute to the
% function, but if included indexes removed from sptm will also be
% removed from spamp.
% spsnip = matrix of spike snips...doesn't contribute to the function but if
% included indexes removed from sptm will also be removed from spsnip
% <<< OUTPUTS <<<
% sptm = spiketimes after eliminating bad spikes...bad spikes will have
% value of 0.
% spamp = spike amps after eliminating bad spikes (OPTIONAL)
% spsnip = matrix of spikesnips after eliminating bad spikes (optional)
% By JMS, 11/12/2015


Jordan Sorokin (2024). RemoveCorrSpikes(d,Fs,sptm,varargin) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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创建方式 R2013a
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