Simple Single-run fMRI Analysis

版本 (353.8 KB) 作者: Temu
The Bear necessities of a single-run fMRI analysis
2.6K 次下载
更新时间 2004/9/22


This collection of m-files will only get you through the very bear necessities (Look for the ...) of a single-run fMRI-analysis. Its actual aim is to illustrate the efficacy of spatial regularisation of the autocorrelation esimate in the framework of prewhitening the data to correct for serial correlations in the data, as described in the following paper:

Gautama, T. and Van Hulle, M.M. (2004), Optimal Spatial Regularisation of Autocorrelation Estimates in fMRI Analysis, NeuroImage, in press.

You might also be interested in some synthetically generated null fMRI data:


Temu (2025). Simple Single-run fMRI Analysis (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

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code speed-up, basically.