crawl_directories(f​ile, varargin)

版本 (3.4 KB) 作者: Sebastian Hölz
Crawl directories to search for file(s).
36.0 次下载
更新时间 2016/4/25


This function crawls directories to search for a specific file (e.g. "MyPicture.png") or all files specified by wildcards (e.g. "*.png") and returns all found occurences as a cell array containing the full path name(s).
Additional parameters may be specified as parameter-value pairs to determine the starting directory ('path'), the search direction ('direction'), the maximum number of files to be retrieved ('n') and the maximum number of directory levels to search ('depth'). Please refer to the help for details.

files = crawl_directories('*.png'); % Find all png-files below current directories
files = crawl_directories('MyPic.png', 'path','d:\pictures'); % Search for MyPic.png starting in d:\pictures
files = crawl_directories('*.m', 'path','d:\Matlab','n',40); % Find at most 40 m-files starting in d:\Matlab


Sebastian Hölz (2025). crawl_directories(file, varargin) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2016a
Windows macOS Linux
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