Poisson Filter GUI

版本 (2.1 MB) 作者: Masayuki Tanaka
It provides GUI example of gradient manipulation based image processing.
161.0 次下载
更新时间 2023/5/1

Poisson Filter GUI for MATLAB
It provides GUI example of gradient manipulation based image processing.

## Publication

Masayuki Tanaka, Ryo Kamio and Masatoshi Okutomi,
Seamless Image Cloning by a Closed Form Solution of a Modified Poisson Problem,
Proceedings of 5th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia (SIGGRAPH Asia 2012), p.c08-0164-1-1, November, 2012.

## Installation

% git clone https://github.com/mastnk/PoissonFilterGUI

## Getittng start

Just run 'PoissonFilterGUI.m'

% PoissonFilterGUI

## Requirement

Image processing tool box.

## Links

[Author's Page](http://www.ok.sc.e.titech.ac.jp/~mtanaka/)

[Author's github](https://github.com/mastnk/)

[Author's matlab file exchange](https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/profile/authors/3502213)

[Research Project Page](http://www.ok.sc.e.titech.ac.jp/res/IC/ImReconProx/)

## License



Masayuki Tanaka (2024). Poisson Filter GUI (https://github.com/mastnk/PoissonFilterGUI), GitHub. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2016a
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