
版本 (6.7 KB) 作者: Michael
Completes the images segmentation procedure described in our paper in Coatings.
45.0 次下载
更新时间 2017/10/3


Images are segmented by threshold points chosen based on the assumption that the histogram peaks should be normally distributed. Pixels which are not well described by normal distributions are considered to be from cracks in the micro structure.
Further image processing steps can also be completed to refine the cracks phase based on a local threshold or other methods which are described in the journal paper: A Novel Image Segmentation Approach for Microstructure Modelling. Michael Watson and Matthew Marshall in the journal Coatings. This should only be used with back scatter SEM images. For further advice on gathering suitable images refer to the journal paper.
This program was written to work with the program small_FE also available from this user on the file exchange.


Michael (2025). LtGt (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2017a
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added _ to function name referenced in text