A complete overview of all PUBLISH technic options in R14.
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更新时间 2004/12/7


>> p=publish('publish_technics'); web(p); does generate a HTML Report based on the Settings done in the M-File Script using the R14 PUBLISH technics from command line. User can edit the 'publish_technics' M-File, enable the Cell Execution from the MATLAB Editor / Debugger Menu Cell and click on the Publish Mouse Button.

Publish does generate HTML, XML, Word, Power-Point and LaTex Documents. This settings could be found under the Editor Preferences. Different Style Sheets (*.xsl) could be used to modify the results.

More about the Publish Technics under MATLAB refer to the Documentation typing >> doc publish.

>> replace_png_by_jpg('HTML_File') is a helper function to exchange all PNG to JPG created entries in the HTML code if you want to use JPG-Files.

Enjoy and ThX for your Feedback.


Frank González-Morphy (2024). PUBLISH_TECHNICS (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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