Interleave arrays along specified dimension.
B = interleave(dim, A1, A2)
B = interleave(dim, A1, A2, A3,... An)
B = interleave(dim, A1, A2) interleaves the arrays A1 and A2 along the
dimension specified by dim. The input arrays must be of the same class
and size, and, the dim argument must be a real, positive, integer value.
B = interleave(dim, A1, A2, A3,... An) interleaves all the input arrays
A1, A2, A3,... An, along the dimension dim.
Input arguments
dim - Dimension along which to interleave arrays.
Data type: scalar integer
An - Arrays to combine.
Data type: numeric | char | cell | logical | categorical | table
struct | datetime | timeseries
Size : (any size and same for all arrays)
Output arguments
B - Array of the interleaved arrays.
Data type: (same as An)
Size : (same as An, but the dimension dim is expanded n times)
This function inherits similar behaviors from the cat function, see
If the argument dim is greater than the number of dimension of the
input arrays, the output, B, is expanded to match this dimension.
If the input arrays are struct arrays, they must have the same fields.
If the input arrays are table arrays (or timetable since R2016b), they
must have the same variables, and, the argument dim must always be set
to 1 (not 2), because it is not possible to duplicate variables.
If the input arrays are ordinal categorical arrays, they must have the
same sets of categories including their order.
Example 1: interleave three numeric arrays with two dimensions each one
along the first, second and third dimensions.
A1 = ones(2,3)*4;
A2 = ones(2,3)*5;
A3 = ones(2,3)*6;
B = interleave(1, A1, A2, A3);
B = interleave(2, A1, A2, A3);
B = interleave(3, A1, A2, A3); % Notice the expansive behavior.
Example 2: interleave three numeric arrays with three dimensions each
one along the first, second and third dimensions.
A1 = ones(2,3,2)*4;
A2 = ones(2,3,2)*5;
A3 = ones(2,3,2)*6;
B = interleave(1, A1, A2, A3);
B = interleave(2, A1, A2, A3);
B = interleave(3, A1, A2, A3);
Example 3: interleave three char arrays along the first and second
A1 = ['abc'; 'def'];
A2 = ['hij'; 'klm'];
A3 = ['nop'; 'qrs'];
B = interleave(1, A1, A2, A3);
B = interleave(2, A1, A2, A3);
Example 4: interleave three cell arrays along the first and second
A1 = {'a', 'b'; 'c', 'd'};
A2 = {'h', 'i'; 'j', 'k'};
A3 = {'x', 'y'; 'z', 'w'};
B = interleave(1, A1, A2, A3);
B = interleave(2, A1, A2, A3);
Example 5: interleave two categorical arrays long the first dimension.
A1 = categorical({'dog'; 'cat'; 'bird'});
A2 = categorical({'hamster'; 'fish'; 'parrot'});
B = interleave(1, A1, A2);
Example 6: interleave two table arrays long the first dimension.
load patients
T = table(Gender, Smoker, Height, Weight);
T = sortrows(T, 'Gender', 'descend'); % Sort variable gender.
A1 = T(1:50,:); % Male.
A2 = T(51:100,:); % Female.
B = interleave(1, A1, A2); % Interleave genders while it is possible.
Example 7: interleave two struct arrays along the first and second
load patients
T = table(Gender, Smoker, Height, Weight);
T = sortrows(T, 'Gender', 'descend'); % Sort variable gender.
A1 = table2struct(T(1:50,:)); % Male.
A2 = table2struct(T(51:100,:)); % Female.
B = interleave(1, A1, A2); % Interleave genders similar to the previous
% example.
B = interleave(2, A1, A2); % Notice the similar behavior of the cat
% function cat(2,A1,A2).
See also
cat reshape
brayantz (2025). B = interleave(dim, A1, A2, A3,... An) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .
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