A Single Channel Data Logger

版本 1.0.0 (1.0 MB) 作者: Dick Benson
This application uses an HP 3478a Multimeter interfaced to MATLAB with GPIB creating single channel, Data Logger.
81.0 次下载
更新时间 2018/9/25


There comes a time when virtually every engineer would like to "log" how a parameter changes over time. The parameter could simply be volts, or a voltage from a transducer that is measuring temperature or pressure. The measurement rate is not high but the duration of the overall measurement could be very long as in hours, days, in fact weeks. This application uses an HP 3478a Multimeter interfaced to MATLAB with GPIB creating a flexible, albeit single channel, Data Logger with Moving Average filtering and Engineering Unit support.


Dick Benson (2024). A Single Channel Data Logger (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/68901-a-single-channel-data-logger), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

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