Simple Network Information Server (SNIS)

版本 1.0.0 (400.0 KB) 作者: TADA
Simple and free Http Server for Matlab powered by Matlab
103.0 次下载
更新时间 2018/11/3


Matlab SNIS is a simple self hosting HTTP server.
This free implementation is useful for simple applications (It's by no means as robust as actual servers like Apache and IIS)

Http handlers for text files, images and web-services
Session state
Simple Net Script: matlab script incorporated inside html files to generate active server-side content (similar in some manners to classic ASP)
Web-services: Classes inheriting the Simple.App.Controller class registered with Simple.App.App instance are accessible via the web-service http handler (Encouraging the implementation of MVC design pattern)

Start server like that:

config = Simple.Net.HttpServerConfig([name, value, ...]);
server = Simple.Net.HttpServer(config);

% Starts listening to the configured port in a new worker
% If PCT is available, and pollable data queue exists (starting R2017 a i think)
% If PCT isn't available server.startAsync() is identical server.start().listen()

% If started asynchronously, stop server using the stop method

With Simple library, a sample website is available, start sample website by running snisWebSite/POC/SnisPOC.m
then access it via a browser in the url localhost:4000/

SSL/HTTPS is not available
Currently cannot be deployed using matlab compiler. That should be fixable by parsing all .sns files using the Simple.Net.SnScript.SnsHttpHandler, then including the generated .m files in the deployed app. Probably should add a conditional implementation in that http handler for when running in deployed mode.


TADA (2025). Simple Network Information Server (SNIS) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2016b
Windows macOS Linux
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