NExT-ERA with Mode Condensation

版本 1.0.3 (14.6 KB) 作者: Ayad Al-Rumaithi
Natural Excitation Technique with Eigensystem Realization Algoirthm including Mode Condensation Algorithm
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更新时间 2024/9/17


Natural Excitation Technique (Frequency method and Time method) with Eigensystem Realization Algoirthm and Mode Condensation Algorithm.
Example file is provided for the identification of 2DOF system subject to gaussian white noise excitation with added uncertainty (also gaussian white noise) to both excitation and response.
1-Time Domain NExT-ERA with Mode Condensation
[Result] = NExTTERA_CONDENSED(data,refch,maxlags,fs,ncols,nrows,initialcut,maxcut,shift,EMAC_option,LimCMI,LimMAC,LimFreq,Plot_option)
Inputs :
data: An array that contains response data.its dimensions are (nch,Ndata) where nch is the number of channels. Ndata is the total length of the data
refch: A vecor of reference channels .its dimensions (numref,1) where numref is number of reference channels (The algorithm takes each reference channel separately)
maxlags: Number of lags in cross-correlation function
fs: Sampling frequency
ncols: The number of columns in hankel matrix (more than 2/3*(maxlags+1) )
nrows: The number of rows in hankel matrix (more than 20 * number of modes)
initialcut: initial cutoff value of mode order
maxcut: maximium cutoff value of mode order
shift: Shift value in the final row and column blocks (Increase EMAC sensitivity) usually =10
EMAC_option: if this value equals to 1, EMAC will be independent of the number of columns (calculated only from observability matrix not from controllability)
LimCMI: Minmium allowable CMI for modes
LimMAC & LimFreq: Minimium value of MAC and maximium value of frequency difference to assume two modes are referring to the same real mode
Plot_option: if 1 plots stabilization diagram
Outputs :
Result: A structure consist of the below components
Parameters: NaFreq : Natural frequencies vector
DampRatio: Damping ratios vector
ModeShape: Mode shape matrix
Indicators: MAmC : Modal Amplitude Coherence
EMAC: Extended Modal Amplitude Coherence
MPC: Modal Phase Collinearity
CMI: Consistent Mode Indicator
2-Frequency Domain NExT-ERA with Mode Condensation
[Result] = NExTFERA_CONDENSED(data,refch,window,N,p,fs,ncols,nrows,initialcut,maxcut,shift,EMAC_option,LimCMI,LimMAC,LimFreq,Plot_option)
Inputs :
data: An array that contains response data.its dimensions are (nch,Ndata) where nch is the number of channels. Ndata is the total length of the data
refch: A vecor of reference channels .its dimensions (numref,1) where numref is number of reference channels (The algorithm takes each reference channel separately)
window: window size to get spectral density
N: Number of windows
p: overlap ratio between windows. from 0 to 1
fs: Sampling frequency
ncols: The number of columns in hankel matrix (more than 2/3*(ceil(window/2+1)-1) )
nrows: The number of rows in hankel matrix (more than 20 * number of modes)
initialcut: initial cutoff value of mode order
maxcut: maximium cutoff value of mode order
shift: Shift value in the final row and column blocks (Increase EMAC sensitivity) usually =10
EMAC_option: if this value equals to 1, EMAC will be independent of the number of columns (calculated only from observability matrix not from controllability)
LimCMI: Minmium allowable CMI for modes
LimMAC & LimFreq: Minimium value of MAC and maximium value of frequency difference to assume two modes are referring to the same real mode
Plot_option: if 1 plots stabilization diagram
Outputs :
Result: A structure consist of the below components
Parameters: NaFreq : Natural frequencies vector
DampRatio: Damping ratios vector
ModeShape: Mode shape matrix
Indicators: MAmC : Modal Amplitude Coherence
EMAC: Extended Modal Amplitude Coherence
MPC: Modal Phase Collinearity
CMI: Consistent Mode Indicator
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[5] Al-Rumaithi, Ayad, Hae-Bum Yun, and Sami F. Masri. "A Comparative Study of Mode Decomposition to Relate Next-ERA, PCA, and ICA Modes." Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3. Springer, Cham, 2015. 113-133.


Ayad Al-Rumaithi (2024). NExT-ERA with Mode Condensation (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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