
genpath2 calls genpath and removes folders matching a specified pattern
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更新时间 2021/2/7

MATLAB's genpath(folderName) creates a character vector containg the path to folderName and any of its subfolders. genpath excludes folders starting with @, +, private, and resource, but it does not allow users to specify other patterns to exclude from its output.

This can cause problems when users addpath using the output of genpath. For one, it becomes more difficult to parse the output of path because many potentially unused folders are now on the file path. And similarly, it can lead to frequent folder handle notifications from MATLAB as it searches through unusued folders for files--especially when using busy network drives.

This is where genpath2 comes in. Inspired by Jesse Hopkins's genpath_exclude, genpath2 is a wrapper for genpath (instead of a standalone function) that executes genpath and then removes folders from its output matching a specified pattern.

genpath2(folderName) returns a vector identical to genpath(folderName)
genpath2(folderName, '.git') returns a vector without folders starting with .git
genpath2(folderName, {'.git', '.svn'}) returns a vector without folders starting with .git or .svn

Original Author: Santiago I. Sordo-Palacios
If you find a bug or would like to add a feature, please open and issue and submit a pull request via the GitHub Project. I do not monitor comments on the MATLAB File Exchange.


Santiago Sordo-Palacios (2025). genpath2 (, GitHub. 检索时间: .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2019a
兼容 R2016b 到 R2019a 的版本
Windows macOS Linux
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参考作品: genpath_exclude

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