共享 'eLocs'
This package provides functions for localizing EEG electrode locations using 3D scanners or motion capture system. Two 3D scans are provided as samples.
The code was tested for MATLAB R2018a+ and requires Statistics and Neural Network Toolbox.
Tested Scanners are Occipital Structure scanner Mark I, and EinScan Shining Pro+.
Tested motion capture was OptiTrack with a digitizing probe.
For further information see: https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2019.01159
Shirazi, Seyed Yahya, and Helen J. Huang. “More Reliable EEG Electrode Digitizing Methods Can Reduce Source Estimation Uncertainty, but Current Methods Already Accurately Identify Brodmann Areas.” Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol. 13, Frontiers Media SA, Nov. 2019, doi:10.3389/fnins.2019.01159.
Shirazi, Seyed Yahya, and Helen J. Huang. “More Reliable EEG Electrode Digitizing Methods Can Reduce Source Estimation Uncertainty, but Current Methods Already Accurately Identify Brodmann Areas.” Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol. 13, Frontiers Media SA, Nov. 2019, doi:10.3389/fnins.2019.01159.
Shirazi, S. Y., & Huang, H. J. (2019). More Reliable EEG Electrode Digitizing Methods Can Reduce Source Estimation Uncertainty, but Current Methods Already Accurately Identify Brodmann Areas. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13. Frontiers Media SA. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.3389%2Ffnins.2019.01159
BibTeX |
doi = {10.3389/fnins.2019.01159},
url = {https://doi.org/10.3389%2Ffnins.2019.01159},
year = 2019,
month = {nov},
publisher = {Frontiers Media {SA}},
volume = {13},
author = {Seyed Yahya Shirazi and Helen J. Huang},
title = {More Reliable {EEG} Electrode Digitizing Methods Can Reduce Source Estimation Uncertainty, but Current Methods Already Accurately Identify Brodmann Areas},
journal = {Frontiers in Neuroscience}
MATLAB 版本兼容性
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- Sciences > Neuroscience > Human Brain Mapping > EEG/MEG/ECoG >
- Engineering > Biomedical Engineering > Biomedical Signal Processing >
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- convertMocapPts2EeglabFormat
- createLine3d
- importMocapTakeElocs
- projPointOnLine3d
- sortFaceMarkers
- transformPoint3d
- updateOrigin
- writeElocsEeglab_r2
- ft_defaults
- ft_definetrial
- ft_electrodeplacement
- ft_electroderealign
- ft_interactiverealign
- ft_layoutplot
- ft_meshrealign
- ft_prepare_layout
- ft_prepare_mesh
- ft_prepare_montage
- ft_preprocessing
- ft_sourceinterpolate
- ft_timelockanalysis
- ft_volumedownsample
- ft_volumereslice
- ft_volumesegment
- ft_chantype
- ft_chanunit
- ft_filetype
- ft_read_data
- ft_read_header
- ft_read_headshape
- ft_read_mri
- ft_read_sens
- ft_read_spike
- ft_read_vol
- ft_write_data
- ft_write_mri
- ama2vol
- avw_hdr_read
- avw_img_read
- bti2grad
- buffer_wait_dat
- channelposition
- cornerpoints
- ctf2grad
- dataset2files
- db_insert
- db_insert_blob
- db_open
- db_select
- db_select_blob
- decode_fif
- decode_nifti1
- decode_res4
- defaultId
- dimlength
- encode_nifti1
- fetch_url
- fif2grad
- fiff_open_le
- filetype_check_extension
- filetype_check_header
- filetype_check_uri
- fixdimord
- fixinside
- fixname
- fixoldorg
- fixpos
- fixsampleinfo
- ft_apply_montage
- ft_checkdata
- ft_convert_units
- ft_datatype
- ft_datatype_comp
- ft_datatype_dip
- ft_datatype_freq
- ft_datatype_headmodel
- ft_datatype_mvar
- ft_datatype_raw
- ft_datatype_sens
- ft_datatype_source
- ft_datatype_spike
- ft_datatype_timelock
- ft_determine_units
- ft_estimate_units
- ft_fetch_data
- ft_fetch_header
- ft_findcfg
- ft_getopt
- ft_hastoolbox
- ft_headcoordinates
- ft_notification
- ft_platform_supports
- ft_progress
- ft_scalingfactor
- ft_senslabel
- ft_senstype
- ft_voltype
- ft_warning
- ft_warp_apply
- getdatfield
- getdimord
- getdimsiz
- getsubfield
- hasyokogawa
- homer2opto
- inflate_file
- inifile
- in_fopen_manscan
- in_fread_manscan
- issubfield
- istrue
- itab2grad
- jaga16_packet
- labelcmb2indx
- littleendian
- loadama
- loadvar
- match_str
- mne2grad
- mxDeserialize
- mxSerialize
- ndgrid
- netmeg2grad
- neuralynx_crc
- neuralynx_getheader
- neuralynx_timestamp
- np_readdata
- np_readfileinfo
- np_read_splitted_fileinfo
- openbdf
- pos2dim
- pos2transform
- readbdf.m
- ReadHeader
- read_4d_hdr
- read_ah5_data
- read_ahdf5_hdr
- read_asa
- read_asa_bnd
- read_asa_elc
- read_asa_mri
- read_asa_vol
- read_besa_avr
- read_besa_besa
- read_besa_sfp
- read_besa_swf
- read_bioimage_mgrid
- read_biosemi_bdf
- read_biosig_data
- read_biosig_header
- read_brainvision_eeg
- read_brainvision_pos
- read_brainvision_vhdr
- read_bti_m4d
- read_bucn_nirsdata
- read_bucn_nirshdr
- read_buffer_offline_data
- read_buffer_offline_header
- read_ced_son
- read_combined_ds
- read_ctf_ascii
- read_ctf_hdm
- read_ctf_meg4
- read_ctf_mri
- read_ctf_mri4
- read_ctf_res4
- read_ctf_shm
- read_ctf_svl
- read_deymed_dat
- read_deymed_ini
- read_edf
- read_eeglabdata
- read_eeglabheader
- read_egis_data
- read_egis_header
- read_erplabdata
- read_erplabheader
- read_eyelink_asc
- read_itab_mhd
- read_mclust_t
- read_mff_bin
- read_micromed_trc
- read_mpi_dap
- read_mpi_ds
- read_nervus_data
- read_nervus_header
- read_neuralynx_bin
- read_neuralynx_cds
- read_neuralynx_dma
- read_neuralynx_ds
- read_neuralynx_ncs
- read_neuralynx_nse
- read_neuralynx_nst
- read_neuralynx_nts
- read_neuralynx_ntt
- read_neuralynx_sdma
- read_neuralynx_ttl
- read_neuromag_headpos
- read_neuromag_maxfilterlog
- read_neuroshare
- read_neurosim_evolution
- read_neurosim_signals
- read_neurosim_spikes
- read_nexstim_nxe
- read_nex_data
- read_nex_header
- read_nihonkohden_hdr
- read_nihonkohden_m00
- read_nimh_cortex
- read_nmc_archive_k_data
- read_nmc_archive_k_hdr
- read_ns_avg
- read_ns_eeg
- read_ns_hdr
- read_plexon_ddt
- read_plexon_ds
- read_plexon_nex
- read_plexon_plx
- read_ply
- read_polhemus_fil
- read_sbin_data
- read_sbin_header
- read_shm_data
- read_shm_header
- read_smi_txt
- read_spike6mat_data
- read_spike6mat_header
- read_spmeeg_data
- read_spmeeg_header
- read_tmsi_poly5
- read_tobii_tsv
- read_videomeg_aud
- read_videomeg_vid
- read_wdq_data
- read_wdq_header
- read_wobj
- read_yokogawa_data
- read_yokogawa_data_new
- read_yokogawa_header
- read_yokogawa_header_new
- read_zebris
- refine
- rotate
- setsubfield
- time2offset
- timestamp_neuralynx
- timestamp_plexon
- tokenize
- translate
- undobalancing
- volumewrite_spm
- write_brainvision_eeg
- write_ctf_shm
- write_edf
- write_gdf
- write_neuralynx_ncs
- write_plexon_nex
- xml2struct
- yokogawa2grad
- yokogawa2grad_new
- ft_apply_montage
- ft_average_sens
- ft_convert_units
- ft_determine_units
- ft_estimate_units
- ft_headmodel_interpolate
- ft_prepare_vol_sens
- ft_senslabel
- ft_senstype
- ft_transform_headshape
- ft_transform_sens
- ft_voltype
- bounding_mesh
- channelposition
- cornerpoints
- defaultId
- elproj
- find_innermost_boundary
- find_outermost_boundary
- fitsphere
- fixoldorg
- fixpos
- ft_datatype_headmodel
- ft_datatype_sens
- ft_getopt
- ft_hastoolbox
- ft_headcoordinates
- ft_notification
- ft_platform_supports
- ft_scalingfactor
- ft_warning
- ft_warp_apply
- hasyokogawa
- issubfield
- istrue
- leadsphere_all
- legs
- lmoutr
- lmoutrn
- match_str
- meg_ini
- mesh2edge
- normals
- pinvNx2
- plinprojn
- project_elec
- ptriprojn
- solid_angle
- transfer_elec
- undobalancing
- ft_plot_axes
- ft_plot_crosshair
- ft_plot_dipole
- ft_plot_headshape
- ft_plot_lay
- ft_plot_mesh
- ft_plot_ortho
- ft_plot_sens
- ft_plot_slice
- ft_plot_vol
- ft_select_box
- ft_select_point
- ft_select_point3d
- ft_uilayout
- bg_rgba2rgb
- channelposition
- coordsys2label
- cornerpoints
- cylinder
- defaultId
- elproj
- find_mesh_edge
- find_triangle_neighbours
- fixoldorg
- fixpos
- ft_apply_montage
- ft_convert_units
- ft_datatype_sens
- ft_determine_units
- ft_estimate_units
- ft_getopt
- ft_notification
- ft_platform_supports
- ft_progress
- ft_scalingfactor
- ft_senslabel
- ft_senstype
- ft_voltype
- ft_warning
- ft_warp_apply
- headsurface
- icosahedron
- icosahedron162
- icosahedron2562
- icosahedron42
- icosahedron642
- intersect_plane
- issubfield
- istrue
- lmoutrn
- ltrisect
- match_str
- mesh2edge
- ndgrid
- pinvNx2
- projecttri
- ptriprojn
- ptriside
- refine
- rotate
- scale
- select3d
- translate
- undobalancing
- ft_preproc_bandpassfilter
- ft_preproc_bandstopfilter
- ft_preproc_baselinecorrect
- ft_preproc_denoise
- ft_preproc_derivative
- ft_preproc_detrend
- ft_preproc_dftfilter
- ft_preproc_highpassfilter
- ft_preproc_hilbert
- ft_preproc_lowpassfilter
- ft_preproc_medianfilter
- ft_preproc_padding
- ft_preproc_polyremoval
- ft_preproc_rectify
- ft_preproc_rereference
- ft_preproc_resample
- ft_preproc_smooth
- ft_preproc_standardize
- defaultId
- filter_with_correction
- firws
- firwsord
- fir_df
- fir_filterdcpadded
- fixname
- ft_notification
- ft_platform_supports
- ft_warning
- invfirwsord
- istrue
- kaiserbeta
- minphaserceps
- plotfresp
- print_once
- windows
- align_ijk2xyz
- channelposition
- coordsys2label
- cornerpoints
- determine_griddim
- dist
- elec1020_follow
- elec1020_fraction
- elec1020_locate
- elproj
- find_nearest
- find_vertex_neighbours
- fixname
- fixpos
- ft_fetch_sens
- ft_getuserfun
- getdimord
- getdimsiz
- getsubfield
- grid2transform
- icosahedron
- icosahedron162
- icosahedron2562
- icosahedron42
- icosahedron642
- interp_gridded
- interp_ungridded
- iscompatwrapper
- isfunction
- issubfield
- ksphere
- lmoutr
- lmoutrn
- loadvar
- mergeconfig
- mesh2edge
- moveinward
- msphere
- ndgrid
- normals
- offset2time
- parameterselection
- pinvNx2
- plinprojn
- pntdist
- poly2tri
- prepare_mesh_cortexhull
- prepare_mesh_headshape
- prepare_mesh_hexahedral
- prepare_mesh_manual
- prepare_mesh_segmentation
- prepare_mesh_tetrahedral
- preproc
- projecttri
- project_elec
- ptriproj
- ptriprojn
- ptriside
- refine
- remove_double_vertices
- retriangulate
- rmsubfield
- rollback_provenance
- rotate
- routlm
- scale
- select3d
- setsubfield
- setviewpoint
- smudge
- solid_angle
- strel_bol
- surfaceorientation
- time2offset
- translate
- triangulate_seg
- tritrisect
- undobalancing
- volumefillholes
- volumeflip
- volumepermute
- volumesmooth
- volumethreshold
- warp_dykstra2012
- warp_fsaverage
- warp_hermes2010
- copyfields
- ft_channelcombination
- ft_channelselection
- ft_checkconfig
- ft_checkdata
- ft_checkopt
- ft_convert_coordsys
- ft_datatype
- ft_datatype_comp
- ft_datatype_dip
- ft_datatype_freq
- ft_datatype_headmodel
- ft_datatype_mvar
- ft_datatype_parcellation
- ft_datatype_raw
- ft_datatype_segmentation
- ft_datatype_sens
- ft_datatype_source
- ft_datatype_spike
- ft_datatype_timelock
- ft_datatype_volume
- ft_debug
- ft_determine_coordsys
- ft_error
- ft_getopt
- ft_hash
- ft_hastoolbox
- ft_headcoordinates
- ft_info
- ft_keyval2cfg
- ft_notice
- ft_platform_supports
- ft_postamble
- ft_preamble
- ft_progress
- ft_scalingfactor
- ft_selectdata
- ft_selectdata_old
- ft_setopt
- ft_struct2double
- ft_trackusage
- ft_transform_geometry
- ft_version
- ft_warning
- ft_warp_apply
- ft_warp_error
- ft_warp_optim
- getsubfield
- hasyokogawa
- issubfield
- istrue
- keepfields
- match_str
- memtic
- memtoc
- nearest
- removefields
- renamefields
- rmsubfield
- setsubfield
- tokenize
- align_ctf2acpc
- align_neuromag2acpc
- avgoverdim
- avgoverlabel
- base64encode
- channelposition
- convert_segmentationstyle
- coordsys2label
- cornerpoints
- dataset2files
- debugCleanup
- defaultId
- determine_segmentationstyle
- dimindex
- dimlength
- fixdimord
- fixinside
- fixname
- fixoldorg
- fixpos
- fixsampleinfo
- fixsegmentation
- ft_findcfg
- ft_notification
- ft_postamble_debug.m
- ft_postamble_history.m
- ft_postamble_previous.m
- ft_postamble_provenance.m
- ft_postamble_randomseed.m
- ft_postamble_savevar.m
- ft_postamble_trackconfig.m
- ft_preamble_debug.m
- ft_preamble_init.m
- ft_preamble_loadvar.m
- ft_preamble_provenance.m
- ft_preamble_randomseed.m
- ft_preamble_trackconfig.m
- ft_struct2json
- ft_urlread
- getaddress
- getdatfield
- getdimord
- getdimsiz
- gethostname
- getusername
- ignorefields
- individual2sn
- labelcmb2indx
- leaveoneout
- lmoutr
- lmoutrn
- loadvar
- memprofile
- mergeconfig
- mxSerialize
- pinvNx2
- plinprojn
- pos2dim
- pos2transform
- printor
- project_elec
- ptriprojn
- randomseed
- rotate
- savevar
- scale
- selfromraw
- seloverdim
- selparam
- smartinput
- sn2individual
- time2offset
- traditional
- translate
- undobalancing
- unparcellate
- volumeflip
- volumepermute
- volumesmooth
- volumethreshold
- arg
- arg_define
- arg_deprecated
- arg_diff
- arg_extract
- arg_guidialog
- arg_guipanel
- arg_issuereport
- arg_nogui
- arg_norep
- arg_report
- arg_setdirect
- arg_specifier
- arg_sub
- arg_subswitch
- arg_subtoggle
- arg_supported
- arg_tostring
- arg_tovals
- arg_toworkspace
- cached_argument
- check_range
- check_shape
- check_type
- combine_structs
- deduce_shape
- deduce_type
- determine_caller
- disp_once
- expand_arg
- expand_argsub
- expand_argsubswitch
- expand_argsubtoggle
- fast_setdiff
- finputcheck
- flatten_structs
- generate_source
- hlp_microcache
- hlp_nanocache
- hlp_tostring
- inputgui
- override_fields
- override_flags
- parse_help
- supergui
- validate_varnames
- write_wobj
无法下载基于 GitHub 默认分支的版本
版本 | 已发布 | 发行说明 | |
---|---|---|---| | Fixed a minor bug regarding channel labels. Check the commit for the details.
0.1.2 | Added support for digitizing using the motion capture method. See Shirazi and Huang 2019 for more information. |
0.1.1 |
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