
版本 (1.3 KB) 作者: Jasper Menger
Revolves a 3D plot showroom-style
1.5K 次下载
更新时间 2005/11/30


SHOWROOM - Revolves a 3D plot showroom-style.

This function was especially designed to provide for those moments when you just created a
stunning 3D plot, and feel the need to sit back and admire the result for a moment. The
animation mimicks a cliché revolving automobile showroom, hence the name.

SHOWROOM Revolves the current plot at the default speed for one revolution
SHOWROOM(N) Revolves N times
SHOWROOM(N, V) Revolves N times with angular speed V (deg / sec)

- By default one revolution (N = 1) is performed at 30 degrees per second (V = 30).
- When no figure is active at the moment, a standard peaks plot is generated.
- A button press or click on the figure terminates the animation prematurely.
- For counterclockwise movement, enter a negative value for V.
- For 2D views and views with elevations close to 90 degrees this function happens to
cause a psychedelic flip-effect.


Jasper Menger (2024). Showroom (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R14SP2
Windows macOS Linux
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版本 已发布 发行说明

Bug fix for counterclockwise rotations.