Using strings as an argument of a function
Hi, The issue is with the input names. Change the input names with variable names other than MATLAB inbuilt functions, You can ...

5 years 前 | 1

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Creating [-1 1] matrix given length n
Hi Alice, You can try the following: len = 2; N = 2^len; bi = de2bi(N-1:-1:0); % Convert decimal numbers in to binary bi(b...

5 years 前 | 0

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"Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements"
Hi Ellen, The issue comes because for one of the equation, there are three roots, but till that iteration, only single root is ...

5 years 前 | 1

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FTCS code shows Error using zeros
Hi Mingyi, The error you observe is due to the incorrect usage of zeros function. This can be solved with any of the following...

5 years 前 | 0

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Compare two graphs on same plot
Hi Nathan, I assume both variables bhat and btilda have same length. % Option 1 figure plot(1:length(bhat),bhat,1:length(bti...

5 years 前 | 1

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while loop ends too early
Hi Ann, The loop runs as expected, since the floating values are represented in IEEE 754 format as described here. To know wha...

5 years 前 | 0

How to permute rows with specific number of permutation
Hi Sadiq, In the row shift, the function handle csm takes in first input as row and next input as image I, but while accessing ...

5 years 前 | 0

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How do I plot 'standing wave(modal) solution' ?
Hi Dilan, You made a good try. Here are some suggestions, as the plot indicate for a ratio of x/l, you could make only one of t...

5 years 前 | 0

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Not a Number (NaN) values returned from a loop
Hi Thomas, Update Ti with a value other than 0 and then this would provide some values other than Nan. When Ti is 0, the value ...

5 years 前 | 0

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Plotting results on log scale
Hi Omar, To plot the values in logarithmic scale, you can use loglog, semilogx, and semilogy plot functions. If you are not su...

5 years 前 | 0

Position of a value in matrix as (row,column)
Hi Diah, To get the value of a1_val from the SNR, you could try the following: % Option 1: Without any find and then accessing...

5 years 前 | 0

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How to edit MAT file in Mac?
Hi Yeji, You can't directly edit the mat files in MATLAB. Instead you can load the mat files, update the workspace variables an...

5 years 前 | 1

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LTE HDL MIB Recovery
Hi Pranjal, The Grid Memory block is right after the PBCH indexing block. There is an input coming from the grid memory block t...

5 years 前 | 0

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Making a Matrix Strictly Diagonally-Dominant
HI Eligijus, The way the for loop is used here caused the issue. Update the second part of code as below and it works: functio...

5 years 前 | 0

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Using this code in order to get a pig latin code that works for phrases as well
Hi Charlotte, You can perform this by entering the phase in the input and then splitting in to words, process and combining. He...

5 years 前 | 1

I have a code for K-means clustering help me correcting error
Hi Sandhiya, I think i know what the issue is. You have written the code for grayscale image and you might be trying to provide...

5 years 前 | 0

How do I properly plot Lagrange Interpolation ?
Hi Daniel, Update the variable xx with the limits of x rather than sum, and you would see a clear plot. Something like this x...

5 years 前 | 1

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sample rate change problem
Hi David, The resample function helps in this case. There are pretty good examples to provide some insights. Hope this helps. ...

5 years 前 | 1

Using delay seq to shift data with different delay conditions
Hi Zuha, Here is the code for what is looked for: a = rand(50,10); shift = [0 1 2 3 0 0 1 2 3 4]; % Use the shift required fo...

5 years 前 | 0

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word input codes in matlab
Hi Charlotte, Here is how you can perform this. Since you need to check if the first letter of the input word is vowel or not, ...

5 years 前 | 0

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signalDatastore absent from Matlab 2019b
Hi Pablo, This feature is available in R2020a, (latest release of MATLAB). Once you install this version, you will be able to a...

5 years 前 | 1

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A*b=x that gives only one or no answer
Hi Bernadett, Minor things to figure out, the det function is only applicable to the square matrix. Here the input is a rectan...

5 years 前 | 0

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Turbo Product Encoding MATLAB code
Hi Mohammed, To get started with the turbo product codes (TPC), go through TPC encoder and TPC decoder documentation. Use thos...

5 years 前 | 0

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How to apply function on columns while skipping certain columns
Hi Zuha, You can use a for loop as below and it does what is required, provided you expect the same amount of size in rows and ...

5 years 前 | 0

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How to use tril function on only specific columns in a large matrix?
Hi Zuha, You can use a for loop as below and it does what is required: m = rand(31413,950); for i = 2:10:size(m,2) m(:,i...

5 years 前 | 0

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sort a string based on particular value
Hi Sajid, The sort function with the arrayfun can be used to check this. chs = arrayfun(@(x) str2double(string([ch{x}(5+1:8-1)...

5 years 前 | 0

How to insert copies of columns inside matrix with a specific condition?
Hi Zuha, You can use reshape and repmat functions to do this. Ar = repmat(A,10,1); out = reshape(Ar,10,[]); Hope this helps....

5 years 前 | 0

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Why my plot is not working?
Hi Eddy, To get the desired plot, you can perform the following % Option 1: To use it with the appropriate indexing plot(1:le...

5 years 前 | 0

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NR PRACH Simulation Problem
Hi Valerio, PRACH support is added in the 5G Toolbox latest release as part of MATLAB R2020a, which contains nrPRACH, nrPRACHIn...

5 years 前 | 0

estimate BER for LDPC 1/2 code
Hi Pertesis, The issue you observe is due to the usage of comm.BPSKDemodulator with hard decision (which is the default) in con...

5 years 前 | 1

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