How exactly does MATLAB calculate a sum of array elements by its sum() function? Does it use any compensated summation algorithm such as Kahan?
The outtype parameter to sum controls the numeric type used for summation, described in the doc. The default is that sum on sing...

3 years 前 | 0

How to slice these variables?
I think what you're trying to do is something like this, which doesn't work: N = 4; out = zeros(N, 3); try parfor idx = ...

3 years 前 | 0

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How to store 2D arrays in a for loop inside a parfor loop?
I think you can do this simply by essentially "reshaping" the problem to satisfy the parfor requirement that the index expressio...

3 years 前 | 0

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Passing a Global Variable to arrayfun for gpuArray
You can do this by using a nested function and variables in the containing parent workspace instead of global variables. Here's ...

3 years 前 | 1

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Parallel pool constant with a parfor and for loop
Yes, parallel.pool.Constant is generally most useful when there are multiple parfor loops. (There are other use-cases such as wh...

3 years 前 | 0

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How do I use SatelliteScenario Groundstation objects inside of a Parallel Computing Toolbox parfor loop
Thanks for reporting this problem. You can work around this for now like so: fetchOutputs(parfevalOnAll(@() delete(figure), 0))...

3 years 前 | 0

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How to create interleaved complex from real gpuArray in mex?
Yes, complex mxGPUArray data is always stored in interleaved-complex format, see this doc page for details.

3 years 前 | 0

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Fill structure in parallel loop
The main constraint here is the parfor "sliced output" requirement. Basically you cannot directly update a single struct using p...

3 years 前 | 0

How can i use GPU Computing for Besselk & Besseli function and integral ?
Unfortunately, the Bessel functions are not yet supported on the GPU, so there is no straightforward workaround for this part. I...

3 years 前 | 0

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parallel processing for readtable function
You've manually disabled the AutoCreate for parallel pools - I presume you're manually creating a pool with a separate parpool s...

3 years 前 | 0

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How to limit the usage of GPU to only one parallel worker?
You could perhaps do something like this. This assumes your code is running in a parallel pool, and that you have only 1 GPU. s...

3 years 前 | 0

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Error: Unable to classify a variable in the body of the parfor - loop
This doesn't work as written because the indexing form into pos doesn't meet the requirements for a "sliced" variable. The simpl...

3 years 前 | 2

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Shared variable / memory usage / parfor
The workers in a "local" parallel pool (the default) are separate processes. Therefore each worker process must have a complete ...

3 years 前 | 1

What's the proper way to handle GPU related matlab functions in a compiled app that might run on a computer without a supported GPU
You can use canUseGpu to check if a GPU is available. If one is not, then your code needs to not create any gpuArray data.

3 years 前 | 1

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Parfor loop with 4 workers is more than 4 times faster than the for loop, how is it possible?
Without seeing some code that demonstrates this, we can only speculate. One possibility is that the code transformations require...

3 years 前 | 0

Matlab parfor uses fewer cores than the allocated number of cores
I bet your parallel pool is timing-out in between your parfor loops. It then gets auto-created with size 12, as that is the defa...

3 years 前 | 0

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How to use parpool worker again, after it times out?
As @Walter Roberson says, if the wait call times out and you don't want the result, you must use cancel to stop execution. So yo...

3 years 前 | 1

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Having the error , " the parfor loop cannot run due to the way variable is used".
The parfor implementation thinks you're doing something order-dependent involving a (and b). Here's an example with a similar er...

3 years 前 | 2

How to handle Complex input in MEX gateway function in CUDA?
Firstly, as per the doc page for interleaved complex data, you need to add the command-line flag -R2018a to use mxGetComplexDoub...

3 years 前 | 0

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MATLAB Job Scheduler job storage location
If you're referring to the JobStorageLocation property of the parallel.Cluster object you get back from parcluster - you do not ...

3 years 前 | 0

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Matlab and SPICE toolkit and parfor
I know nothing about SPICE, but at a guess, you probably need to initialise SPICE on the workers. I would try adding fetchOutpu...

3 years 前 | 0

Is it possible to build a parfor loop where workers share and edit (only) one variable array?
If I've understood correctly, you could use spmd to do something like this. spmd allows communication between the workers, so th...

3 years 前 | 0

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How can I run my own CUDA code?
To call the kernel, you must first set up the ThreadBlockSize and GridSize properties of k. See this page for more https://www.m...

3 years 前 | 0

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How much parallelism can I get out of 32 workers?
If your workloads are amenable to MATLAB's intrinsic multi-threading, then you could run 32 multithreaded workers, each of which...

3 years 前 | 1

Parallel Computing Maximize CPU Usage
There are several reasons why parfor may not be able to do a perfect job of speeding up your calculation. These basically boil d...

3 years 前 | 0

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Is it possible to control two Arduino boards in parallel using parfor?
As @Walter Robersonpoints out, you need to create the arduino objects directly on the workers. Rather than using parfevalOnAll t...

3 years 前 | 0

Can't use gpuArray with melSpectrogram
gpuArray support for melSpectrogram was added in R2020a. See the release notes.

3 years 前 | 1

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how to Parallize independent jobs
It's not clear why you think parfor is not suitable for this case without showing us what you tried and why it doesn't work for ...

3 years 前 | 0

Use Parfor on a greenscreen picture
The comment on your question by @Daniel Pollard is probably the most productive way forward. But to answer your parfor query spe...

3 years 前 | 0

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How to resolve indexing the sliced variable error in the case of for nested with parfor?
The problem here is that the inner loop bounds must be a constant - basically this means that you must compute it outside the pa...

3 years 前 | 0
