How do I put a uitable in a tiledlayout?
If you are going to be inserting uitables, it would be advisable to use UI graphics elements everywhere else too, fig=uifigure...

4 months 前 | 1

How can you update plot data from properties in an object?
Consider animatedline

4 months 前 | 0

Error with Vector Length
The code you've shown produces empty t: t0=0; t1=-10; t2=20; [x,t]=step(t0,t1,t2); x=x',t

4 months 前 | 0

Can I use lsqcurvefit for a multivariable nonlinear regression
Yes, lsqcurvefit can be applied to problems of any dimension.

4 months 前 | 0

How to rotate a hyperbola drawn along with the reference line?
%% Input values D = 250; % mm distance c = 4; % mm/s velocity del = 10; % a constant theta...

4 months 前 | 0

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Circle fit in pointcloud, stl
See the section "Fitting a 2D Shape to 3D Points" in the Examples tab of this FEX submission: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabc...

4 months 前 | 0

How can I rotate a volshow image programatically?
Can I rotate the volume instead of the camera? Yes, you can use the Transformation property.

4 months 前 | 1

What is the best data structure for mapping a key to an array of values in MATLAB?
Dictionaries are supposed to be faster than structs, but they require a recent Matlab version. keys="UniqueKey"+(1:3)'; valu...

4 months 前 | 1

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Property Type in constructor vs dependent
Property type specifiers, such as the double specifier in, properties (Dependent) D_b double end only perfor...

4 months 前 | 2

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Which is the difference between 'multi-gpu' and 'parallel-gpu' in 'trainingOption' function of the DeepLearning Toolbox?
According to the doc, 'parallel-gpu' has the additional capability of being able to use remote GPUs. Since that doesn't apply to...

4 months 前 | 1

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Find the coordinates of the nodes of an matrix inside another matrix
Sounds like you could just use ismember(___,'rows')

4 months 前 | 0

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Use of tensorprod function to compute multilinear forms
res=A; while ~isvector(res) res=pagemtimes(v',squeeze(res)); end res=res*v

4 months 前 | 0

Use of tensorprod function to compute multilinear forms
n = 3; A = rand(n,n,n,n); v = rand(n,1); J=pagemtimes(v',pagemtimes(A,v)); res=v'*reshape(J,[n,n])*v

4 months 前 | 0

What happens to cleared custom `handle` objects?
If you clear c, then that copy of the handle is gone, while other shared instances of it that you may have created remain. If yo...

5 months 前 | 1

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How plot a grid of rectangles on an overlaid circle?
R = 5; % circle radius H = 1; % rect height W = 2; % rect width circ=nsidedpoly(1000,"Radius",R); %polyshape for the circle...

5 months 前 | 0

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How can I make the layout in the attached image with tiledlayout
If you download nestedLayouts, https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/161736-grids-of-tiled-chart-layouts then y...

5 months 前 | 0

Conditional array accumulation inside parfor
map = false(N,M); parfor k=1:M*N [n,m]=ind2sub([N,M],k); map(k) = ( f(m,n)>0 ); end [I,J]=fin...

5 months 前 | 2

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Lower precision in trainnet workflow
Just pass in training data with a lower precision type (e.g., singles versus doubles).

5 months 前 | 0

Understanding implicit surface plot behavior
Re-running the code in the latest release, R2024a, it appears the problem has been fixed. Q=diag([0,1,1]./3^2); axis([-5 5 -...

5 months 前 | 0

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Passing additional minibatchable quantities to a trainnet() loss function
I am calling trainnet() with the syntax, netTrained = trainnet(cds,net,lossFcn,options) where lossFcn=f(Y,T) is a handle to a ...

5 months 前 | 1 个回答 | 0



fminunc not converging objective function
You need to a better choice of units for x(3), at least for the optimization step. Below, I modify the objective function so tha...

5 months 前 | 0

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Need help in MATLAB tiled layouts (nested)
If you download nestedLayouts, https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/161736-grids-of-tiled-chart-layouts?s_tid=s...

5 months 前 | 1

Save a 3D image to TIFF
See saveastiff, https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/35684-multipage-tiff-stack?s_tid=srchtitle

5 months 前 | 0

Coding the Jacobian efficiently in MATLAB
minusA = -A; J=@(u) JacobianEngine(u,minusA); function Jn = JacobianEngine(u,Jn) p=numel(u); Jn...

5 months 前 | 0

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Should the discrete 2D convolution from MATLAB be multiplied with twice the nodal step size ?
Yes, that is correct.

5 months 前 | 1

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The "union" function for polyshapes performs an incorrect consolidation of adjacent polyshapes when presented as a vector
A limitation has been discovered in the union operation for polyshapes. The development team has been notified about this issue ...

5 months 前 | 0

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Error with spdiags size dimensions in pentadiagonal matrixes
Does anyone know if spdiags has undergone any significant updates between versions these 2 years? Yes, support for the syntax y...

5 months 前 | 1

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How to Improve Performance of an Over-fit Convolutional Neural Network
By enforcing regularization penalty for generalization. I'm still figuring out what functions or options may allow me to do that...

5 months 前 | 0

How to choose one between two constraint conditions
Considering Walter's answer, your example may not have captured your real question. If you really do have a feasible set of the ...

5 months 前 | 0

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Rank value matrix from 3d Matrix
Also how can NaN values be ignored in this solution? Here's a revised method (loop-free) that also handles NaNs. As before, ran...

5 months 前 | 0

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