Which is faster, logical indexing vs for loop
To find the time taken by a certain piece of code you could use the “tic toc” or “timeit” or “cputime”. The below code is an exa...

5 years 前 | 0

Detecting a washer using Image Processing
To convert rgb to gray you could use “rgb2gray”. To detect any object in an image you could use either image segmentation or you...

5 years 前 | 0

Image Processing: Recognizing arrows and their orientation/direction
The “regionprops” in MATLAB could give you the orientation angle, to use regionprops the input must be a Binary Image or Label I...

5 years 前 | 0

How to use image background subtraction in video
To do background subtraction but without knowing the background you could try image segmentation to remove the background. Many ...

5 years 前 | 0

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What is the procedure to design PID controller for a stable second order system?
To design a PID controller for your system you could use the PID Tuner App in MATLAB. This App allows you to design a P or PI or...

5 years 前 | 0

riemann sum for area of circle with range x and equation of the circle
To find area using riemann sum you could use the following code, r = 10; % Radius x = -r:0.01:r; % Range of x y = sqrt(r*r...

5 years 前 | 0

plotting x and y differential
“diff(Y)” function calculates the difference between adjacent elements of Y along the first array dimension whose size is not eq...

5 years 前 | 1

How to find closed loop transfer function and use it to identify τ and k?
To find closed loop transfer function from an open loop transfer function (G) considering a negative feedback system you can use...

5 years 前 | 1

Rotation Matrix in camera calibration.
A rotation matrix is a 3-by-3 matrix, the rotation matrix together with the translation vector allows you to transform points fr...

5 years 前 | 1

how to place all poles of state matrix at zero using place command?
“Place” command uses the pole placement technique, but in this technique if the multiplicity of poles is greater than the rank(B...

5 years 前 | 1

Control Design without using s ”acker , place.
The "Acker" and "Place" function will give you the feedback gain matrix K for a specified closed loop poles, Now to do state fee...

5 years 前 | 0