amplitude of FFT output high compared to input
Remember that you must scale the output of the FFT, for example: fs = 250; % Sampling frequency [Hz]. Ts = 1/fs; % ...

13 years 前 | 0

adding noise to an ecg signal
I would do something like this: % Sampling fs = 1000; Ts = 1/fs; % Time vector t = 1:Ts:10-Ts; % Signal f =...

13 years 前 | 2

Converting/interpolating into different array
Are you sure is not the other way around? Moving from a 10 element array to a 25 element array you would be _interpolation_. Mov...

13 years 前 | 0

Four data sets on one plot
I think in a raw way, this is what you want, am I right? L=[0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100]; Op=[0.492 0.498 0.503 0.509...

13 years 前 | 0

Face detection is a big, big topic. Assuming you are extracting the information you wish (the rectangular part) of an image and ...

13 years 前 | 0

extracting info from edit text gui
To extract the data (text) from the edit box, you will need something more or less like this: % Get the string from the editT...

13 years 前 | 1

how to display the plots one by one in axes by selecting puhsbutton
I would use this <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/3939-import-fig-file-to-axes script>. With it, you choose ...

13 years 前 | 1

2D plot help
You could overlap plots using _hold_. For example: figure(); hold('on'); plot(1:10, 'b*'); plot(10:-1:1, 'ro'); hold(...

13 years 前 | 0

how to mosaic two images
I recommend you to check the following files in the FEX: <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/22264-mosaic-ra...

13 years 前 | 0

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ECG analysis toolbox
Making a quick search on the web, I found the following <http://biosig.sourceforge.net/> <http://www.mit.edu/~gari/algos.html>...

13 years 前 | 0

String of matlab script
tt must be a string (an array of characters) previously defined in your code. What the code line does is display in console the ...

13 years 前 | 3

Writing parameters to a text file
Writing a text file in MATLAB is very easy. Take a look at the documentation for the function _fopen_, _fprintf_, and _fclose_. ...

13 years 前 | 0

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Skip Error Message and Continue with the M-File
Completing Gerd's answer, I would include the _catch_ statement. The _catch_ executes everytime an error is encountered in the _...

13 years 前 | 5

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Load and average lots of .mat files
You can try using an intermediate variable to store the information you load from each file. On a quick thought, you must do som...

13 years 前 | 2

clear single plots intead of the whole plot
Yes, it is possible thanks to the handles. For example, try something like this: x = 1:1 0; figure(); plotHandles ...

13 years 前 | 3

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Removing Upper XTicks ..or Right Y Ticks..How?
I recommend you to look at this <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/4515-removing-ticks thread>, where your same que...

13 years 前 | 2

two figures or image in single gui
Mmm, actually is doing the same for one axes than for two. You just need to specify in which axes you will like to display the i...

13 years 前 | 0

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3 questions about guide
Regarding your Question #2, I suggest you take a look at the following <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/1519...

13 years 前 | 0

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Converting Analog Filter into Digital Filter
Your question is too wide, since there are a lot of digital filters that could behave they way you describe. Try using the Filte...

13 years 前 | 0

axes tick in scientific notation
Maybe you should check this wonderful <http://blogs.mathworks.com/loren/2007/12/11/making-pretty-graphs/ tutorial> by Loren Shur...

13 years 前 | 1

Image processing help
Indeed, I agree with Andreas Goser: image comparison is a very wide field. However, as a first approach, a very simple but alway...

13 years 前 | 0

Loading Videos without # of frames information
Believe it or not, sometimes the frame rate of a video is not an integer number. For example, even though you may see from the v...

13 years 前 | 1

Problem in Superimpose components on image ??
I think this <http://www.mathworks.com/support/solutions/en/data/1-1AK7N/ tutorial> might give you just what you need ;-)

13 years 前 | 1

problem plotting on a graph
If "hold" does not work for you, why don't you try subplot? help subplot doc subplot For example: figure(); s...

13 years 前 | 0

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Unknow transfer function
Try looking into the function d2c help d2c doc d2c Hope it helps!

13 years 前 | 0

data sharing Between two GUIs
Quan Quach has an _excellent_ <http://blinkdagger.com/matlab/matlab-gui-how-to-easily-share-data-between-two-separate-guis/ tuto...

13 years 前 | 0

creating a axes toolbar in GUI
Yes, it is pretty easy. In the GUI interface, go to "Toolbar editor". There you can choose a set of predefined tools, including ...

13 years 前 | 0

problem with fft
Why don't you use MATLAB's <http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/fft.html fft> and <http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/r...

13 years 前 | 0

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zero crossing in matlab code
You might like to check this <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/2432 function>. Hope it helps ;-)

13 years 前 | 0

Multi GUI's
It sounds to me that you are trying to communicate two GUIs. Quan Quach has an excellent <http://blinkdagger.com/matlab/matlab-g...

13 years 前 | 0

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