
Find the mode of the vector Assumption: no vector is bimodal Example 1: input=[1 2 3 4 4]; output=4 Example 2: input=[7...

6 months 前


Average Grade
Given a 1x5 vector presents the grades of a student on five tests. Calculate the average grade of that student.

6 months 前


Palindrome Check
Check whether the entire matrix is palindrome or not. Example matrix = [7 8 7] matrix_reverse = [7 8 7] So the mat...

6 months 前


Reverse a matrix
Its simple. You have to reverse a given matrix.

6 months 前


multiple of nine?
Given a positive number n, return true if n is a multiple of 9 and false if not. Do not make the division and do not use functio...

6 months 前


Leap Year
According to Gregorian Calender(which is in use now, in many countries),decide whether a given year is a leap year or not. Give...

6 months 前


Replace multiples of 5 with NaN
It is required to replace all values in a vector that are multiples of 5 with NaN. Example: input: x = [1 2 5 12 10 7] ...

6 months 前


Replicate elements in vectors
Replicate each element of a row vector (with NaN) a constant number of times. Examples n=2, A=[1 2 3] -> [1 1 2 2 3 3] ...

6 months 前


Rotate array 90 degrees
Rotate the given matrix by 90 degrees. Example, A = [1 2 3 ; 4 5 6 ] B = rotated(A) = [ 3 6; 2 5; 1 4 ]

6 months 前


find the mean of all elements in a matrix
given a matrix, just find the mean of all elements in the matrix

6 months 前


Determine whether the input is divisible by 3 as well as 5
If the input is divisible by 3 as well as 5 then the output should be 'true' otherwise 'false'

6 months 前


Find remainder when x is divided by 3
Find remainder when x is divided by 3

6 months 前


Get all prime factors
List the prime factors for the input number, in decreasing order. List each factor. If the prime factor occurs twice, list it as...

6 months 前


Double Factorial
Return double factorial n(n-2)...(5)(3)(1), n>0, odd n!! = n(n-2)...(6)(4)(2), n>0, even 1 ...

6 months 前


Determine the factorial of a number

6 months 前


Find Factrorial without using built-in function
A number is given, you have to find the factorial of the number without using built-in factroial function. You may use loops....

6 months 前


calculate x!

6 months 前


Find the product of a Vector
How would you find the product of the vector [1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0] times 2?; x = [1 : 0.5 : 6]; y ...

6 months 前


Matlab Basics II - Count rows in a matrix
Write a function that returns that number of rows in a vector or matrix x example: x = [1; 2; 3] output = 3

6 months 前


Vector Multiplication
Vector Multiplication of three matrix as shown in test cases.

6 months 前


Cumulative product of a vector
Cumulative product of a vector example x=[1 2 5 10], then answer must be [ 1 2 10 100] *If you like this prob...

6 months 前


Find out value of sine given by degree.
Find out value of sine given by degree. If theta=30, it's value must be 0.5.

6 months 前


Find out the roots of a given polynomial equation.Given are the coefficients of the equation.

6 months 前


first element of matrix
find the first elements of a column matrix

6 months 前


find a specific element from an matrix
Find the element from matrix which is in 2nd row and 3rd column.

6 months 前


modulus of a number
find the modulus of a given number

6 months 前


Matlab Basics - Absolute Value
Write a script that returns the absolute value of the elements in x e.g. x = [-1 -2 -3 -4] --> y = [1 2 3 4]

6 months 前


Matlab Basics - Rounding I
Write a script to round x DOWN to the next lowest integer: e.g. x = 2.3 --> x = 2 also: x = 2.7 --> x = 2

6 months 前


Tiling a matrix
Given a matrix and a number of columns, replicate matrix in a single row

6 months 前


Create incrementing array
Given a and b generate an output matrix as shown in following examples: a=2 b=5 output=[2 20 200 2000 20000] a=4 b...

6 months 前
