App designer hide/show line graph on axes
And set(B, 'visible', 'off');?

2 years 前 | 1

How do I repair the eror?
You need to make sure each element of the cell array is a char vector. Since currently the second one is a cell, you need to unp...

2 years 前 | 0

How can I get a user to input a number which is not already
What you need to do, is to put your input statement at the start of the while loop, and then you can use ismember instead of a l...

2 years 前 | 1

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Under Linux, how do I get a menu of figure windows so I can click to raise one window?
If using a code solution is fine, you can use this: % Create figures with names f1=figure; f1.Name = 'foo'; f2=figure; f2.N...

2 years 前 | 0

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New version of sqlite3 AddOn doesn't support NULL any more
First the reproduction steps in a MWE: % https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/68298-sqlite3 db=[tempname '.db'...

2 years 前 | 0

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Is there a way to append all arrays nested in a table without looping?
Something like this should work: t = table({19;17},{rand(100,1);rand(100,1)},'VariableNames',{'Umean','d'}) D=cell2mat(t.d); ...

2 years 前 | 1

Help increasing the speed of a piece of code
It sounds like a convolution would be perfect here. kernel=ones(3,3); kernel(2,2)=0; kernel=kernel/sum(kernel(:)); ...

2 years 前 | 0

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set of vectors from some elements?
Do you need all permutations in one array? Then you can use the perms function. Note that the array size quickly grows with the ...

2 years 前 | 1

How to construct a standard plot on MATLAB with excel data?
If you have trouble with Matlab basics you may consider doing the <https://www.mathworks.com/support/learn-with-matlab-tutorials...

2 years 前 | 0

App desginer: how to use the text field (numeric) values as veriables to xlim
The reason you don't see anything change when you include the if statement is probably because you didn't include an else statem...

2 years 前 | 0

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I want to call slidervaluechanging for 3 different sliders in order to change the panel color background. Is there a simple way to do this?
You need to specify the index somewhere (use a different one for each slider). Then you can retrieve the current color, change o...

2 years 前 | 0

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compare variable with different data types
I use the function below. Since loops are fast, I just loop through all the options. I use this for input validation, so this o...

2 years 前 | 1

Opening a GUI from another GUI with a delay in App Designer
I suspect the new GUI is opened because Matlab is unable to store the anonymous function without creating that new GUI. What ...

2 years 前 | 0

How could I see the values of global variables used in App Designer?
You can use eval to retrieve the value. You should not be using eval, but the same goes for global variables. Especially with...

2 years 前 | 0

¿Is it possible to run a Matlab code on a computer that does not have Matlab installed?
I'm aware of these options, each with their own downsides: * Matlab Online will be the most consistent * If you have Compi...

2 years 前 | 0

I am not able to open any of my file.
Delete or rename that class.m file. Creating files with names matching Matlab functions always caries this risk, but basic fu...

2 years 前 | 1

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counting How many times a letter apear in a notepad text?
txt = 'The quick broWn fox jUmps oVer the lazy dog 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0'; Edges = double(['a':'z' 'A':'Z' '0123456789']) + [-0.5...

2 years 前 | 0

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Iterate through a meshgrid to calculate things based on those coordinates
If you use an index you can iterate through the array: for n=1:numel(X) x=X(n); y=Y(n); end

2 years 前 | 0

Is it possible to pan an imagesc output programmatically in a manner analogous to the zoom function?
You can set the XLim and YLim properties (of the axes object). That should replicate a repeatable pan.

2 years 前 | 0

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How to use the .p file for simulation and generation code
Matlab functions are called by name, so if you change the name you need to change the call as well. The best way would be to cha...

2 years 前 | 0

How to save image to local file from matlab workspace after using Image Segmenter App?
If you have the result in a variable, you can use the imwrite function to write an image file. See the documentation for example...

2 years 前 | 0

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Convert this array of numbers into a list?
doc reshape Or even just (:).

2 years 前 | 1

How do I extract a decimal value from a 8 byte binary dicom tag?
You will need the typecast function: typecast(uint8([0 0 0 0 129 167 13 64]),'double') This will conver the variable to a diff...

2 years 前 | 3

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If statement to plot sections of simpsons 1/3 method only plots one area.
Without explicit handles, most graphics functions revert to the normal figures. You should try providing the handle to your uiax...

2 years 前 | 0

I get an error when l created a standalone application,What caused it and how do l fix it?
You are not testing whether the input text is actually a scalar. It is also not recommended to use this syntax, since it allows ...

2 years 前 | 0

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Quiero generar un archivo de texto de la variable z que contiene en caracteres un nombre. Pero el archivo generado .txt me salen números decimales y yo quiero todo el texto
If you want to write text, you need to write text. You either need to convert your variable to char, or use fprintf with an appr...

2 years 前 | 0

post hoc testing Bonferroni correction after a repeated measure ANOVA
In R2020a, this parameter was called CType, not CriticalValueType. You can find the release-specific documentation page here.

2 years 前 | 0

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Save multiple variables into single -Ascii File with different column of [x:y:z]
Either use writematrix, or use fprintf. See the documentation for examples. If you use fprintf, be aware that it will go throug...

2 years 前 | 1

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2 Different GUI needs the same inputs
There is no general solution to do this, because the two instances of Matlab are separate. If Matlab were able to do this, it c...

2 years 前 | 1
