Why is MATLAB officially written with capitalized letters?
I usually write it   *|MATLAb|*   for teasing people with OCD .. and I invariably end up correcting it frant...

7 years 前 | 5

How to write a method to have input parameter a 1xN array?
Assuming that |Helix| is a _<https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/handle-classes.html handle class>_ (subclass of |handle|), yo...

7 years 前 | 0

Finding specfic string within another string
Why not simply >> str = '\\blabla\blabla\blabla\blabla\blabla\blabla\04 - Black\05 - TEST' ; >> folders = regexp( str, ...

7 years 前 | 0

how to get rid of NaN column by column
I think that the major problem is basic data manipulation, and once you have that right you'll be fine for the rest. Here are a ...

7 years 前 | 0

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Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent.
You have empty ( *see comments below!* ) arrays in your cell array (where FIND found nothing), so the dimensions do not match fo...

7 years 前 | 1

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How to edit a text file using matlab?
Here is an alternate solution based on the fact that you don't seem to have special characters/sequences in your file content th...

7 years 前 | 1

I want to extract the page buttons/widgets in a website using URLREAD.
When you start clicking on pages, the page ID is in the URL, e.g. https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/index.php?f=2222&exc...

7 years 前 | 1

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How can I read a specific txt column?
Quickly my 2 cents as I just have 30s. If these commas are really an issue, replace them before parsing with usual functions. ...

7 years 前 | 0

Replacing certain text from a .txt file.
If it is all you have to do, here is an example: str = 'FirstText [Text1@/ Text2@/ Text3] LastText' ; tokens = regexp( s...

7 years 前 | 2

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Determine area inside a polygon on a map
*---[ PART 1 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

7 years 前 | 2

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import matrix into mapping toolbox? or just draw coastlines in fig
Hi Kate, You will find an easy way to achieve what you want here: <https://www.mathworks.com/help/map/create-a-world-map.html...

7 years 前 | 0

Help to make a code faster/memory efficient
Check this out: n1 = 7380 ; n2 = 2592 ; PosS = rand( n1, 3 ) ; PosSeg1 = rand( n2, 3 ) ; E...

7 years 前 | 0

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Labeling bar charts with over 15 categories
Your code uses the former ticks. Just add the following to define ticks that match the number of bars/categories and the default...

7 years 前 | 1

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How can I read a text file, then output a file with every word reversed, but punctuation and paragraphs in the same place?
Assuming that if it is a homework (it is about loops and conditional statements and hence that -) the code below won't be suitab...

7 years 前 | 0

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Replacing Values of a Larger Matrix with that of a Smaller Matrix
b = mod( floor( (0:size( A, 2 )-1)/2 ), 2 ) ; C = bsxfun( @times, A, b ) ; Note that the way I define |b=00110011..| is .....

7 years 前 | 0

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How to read text files from each subfolder
Try something along this line: % - Define output header. header = {'RainFallID', 'IINT', 'Rain Result', 'Start Time', 'Par...

7 years 前 | 3

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Improving performance of X = A \ B.
*Last edit: section "EDIT 11/08/2016"* Dear all, How would you improve the performance in the computation of: X = A \ ...

8 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 4



How to import data from custom (.H00) text file
Could you attach one of these files? If you had no issue with encoding, the following would be an efficient way to do it: ...

8 years 前 | 0

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Mismatch between AREAINT and AREAQUAD around (0,0).
Dear all, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Before I switch on my brain and possibly start digging into AREAINT code, can anyone ...

8 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0



Searching for a variable in a text file & later taking its mean seperating out its units
I would do something like: content = fileread( 'ch0_TC_SYS_01.txt' ) ; freqStr = regexp( content, '(?<=freq : )\S+', 'matc...

9 years 前 | 0

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Combine many txt format files with a single column into one file
Here is a concise way: files = {'A.txt', 'B.txt', 'C.txt', 'D.txt', 'E.txt'} ; buffer = cell( size( files )) ; for k =...

9 years 前 | 2

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Recipes/Toolbox for Geostatistics
To my knowledge and as mentioned in the following thread, there is no built-in support for e.g. Kriging. <http://www.mathwork...

9 years 前 | 1

How to capture an optional expression using regular expressions?
Another option is to parse all entries first, and then to rebuild relevant expressions: entries = {'name1(John, 48)', 'name2...

9 years 前 | 0

Arragement of vectors and matrix in text file
It's difficult to understand how your data must be processed because the various parts of your example do not match (values, siz...

9 years 前 | 1

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How to set an optional function input as a first input?
You can pass whatever you want to the parser; it doesn't get automatically what is passed to the function, but works on what you...

9 years 前 | 1

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Function that returns index of first occurrence of largest value for each column of matrix
Another solution, almost trivial, is just to use the second output of MAX, which is the index of the first occurrence, and to fl...

9 years 前 | 1

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Change a column of data in a variable from numeric to a string value
There are several points to mention actually. You have to differentiate numeric arrays from cell arrays (many posts or help page...

9 years 前 | 3

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Computing mean by group (need help with speed!)
In the line of Andrei/Matt's answers and based on my comment: [ii,jj] = ndgrid( id, 1:size( Xw, 2 )) ; iijj = [ii(:), jj(...

9 years 前 | 0

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Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM): Extracting Data from historic Local Waters Forecast
This is a good candidate for using regular expressions and pattern matching. It would take an hour of your time reading section ...

9 years 前 | 2

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How to combine 2 vectors of unequal length
Here is one way: if numel( A ) < numel( B ) C = [B; B] ; C(1,1:numel( A )) = A ; else C = [A; A] ; C...

9 years 前 | 0
