
Hungry Snake
Who hasn't played <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_%28video_game%29 the Snake game> when they were little? It's quite hard ...

11 years 前


Is this date a palindrome?emordnilap a etad siht sI
Take a MATLAB date number as input, and return true if the date is a palindrome, false if the date is not a palindrome. A date ...

11 years 前


function on a moving window
Create a function that applies an operation (such as @sum, @mean, @std, @norm etc) to a moving window of the data. First exam...

11 years 前


Four quadrant inverse tangent function.
Create a function that returns an array P the same size as X and Y containing the element-by-element, four-quadrant inverse tang...

11 years 前


Dots in a Diamond
Return how many <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond_cubic Diamond Cubic> lattice grid points there are inside a 3D sphere of r...

11 years 前 | 1 | 22 个解题者


Dots in a Diamond
Return how many <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond_cubic Diamond Cubic> lattice grid points there are inside a 3D sphere of r...

11 years 前


Determine if input is a Narcissistic number
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_number Narcissistic number> is a number that is the sum of its own digits each raised...

11 years 前


Convert Two Character String into a Binary Vector
Given a string "XOXXO" convert it into a binary vector. [1 0 1 1 0] Paul Berglund implemented an optimal method in <http://ww...

11 years 前


Rank of magic square (for beginners)
Compute the rank r of a magic square of order n WITHOUT rank and magic functions.

11 years 前


Combinations without using nchoosek
You have to generate a matrix with all possible combinations of n elements *taken 2* at a time, *without using nchoosek(1:n,2)* ...

11 years 前


Vector Linear sum: (p1-m1)V1+(p2-m2)V2+...(pK-mk)Vk
Calculate the sum of a Vector times coefficients expressed as two strings. Example: Normal representation [ a b c ], [ p1 ...

11 years 前


Wheat on a chessboard pt 2
If a chessboard were to have wheat placed upon each square such that x grains were placed on the first square and each successiv...

11 years 前


Make a diamond
Given n, odd number > 1, return n by n matrix consist of "null" and "*" characters arranged like a diamond. No toolbox funct...

11 years 前


Fun Race
* Given two unary functions foo and goo. * Check whether foo(0) runs faster than goo(0). * Output 1 if foo is faster, otherwis...

11 years 前


Decoding : Find the value
'u' in the function below is of type char or string and 'v' is of type int or double. function y = your_fcn_name( u, v) ...

11 years 前


chance in percent for minimum K heads when a good coin is tossed N times?
For example, chance is 100% for minimum 0 heads when a coin is tossed 7 times. Chance is 50% for minimum 2 heads when a coin is...

11 years 前


Cody Computer Part 3 - Detect the graphic card used on Cody Computer
In the Cody computer investigation party, you may have already solved : <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems...

11 years 前


chirp again
rise frequency linearly from 0 to frequency f in 1 second and fs samples, initial amplitude must rise smoothly like an aircraft ...

11 years 前


Find the Kronecker Tensor Product without using KRON
The Kronecker Tensor Product is the result of multiplying all elements of a matrix with each of the elements of another matrix. ...

11 years 前


Compute the dilation of a binary image
A basic operation in image analysis is the dilation. Given an image where each pixel is either on or off (black/white, true/fals...

11 years 前


Create a dictionary
The goal is to write a function that returns a dictionary from a list of words or phrases and their definitions. Here is an exam...

11 years 前


Set a diagonal
Given a matrix M, row vector v of appropriate length, and diagonal index d (where 0 indicates the main diagonal and off-diagonal...

11 years 前


Acidity of vinegar and salts
Assuming: pH (potentia hydrogenii) = - log10(H+ ionic concentration in mol/Liter). For a buffer solution containing acetic acid ...

11 years 前


Who has power to do everything in this world?
There is only one person who is older than this universe. He is Indian version of Chuck Norris.

11 years 前


Compute next 1000-day birthday milestone
Given a birthdate in DD-MMM-YYYY format, compute the next 1000-day birthday milestone. For example, Abraham Lincoln was born on ...

11 years 前


Pythagorean perfect squares: find the square of the hypotenuse and the length of the other side
Given the square root of a square number, *seed*, and a range, *n*, find the square number, *Z* as well as the other side, *y*, ...

11 years 前


Shifted Hexagonal Tiling Dots in a Circle
Return how many <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexagonal_grid Hexagonal Tiling> grid points there are inside a circle of radius _...

11 years 前 | 1 | 23 个解题者


Shifted Hexagonal Tiling Dots in a Circle
Return how many <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexagonal_grid Hexagonal Tiling> grid points there are inside a circle of radius _...

11 years 前


Hexagonal Tiling Dots in a Circle
Return how many <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexagonal_grid Hexagonal Tiling> grid points there are inside a circle of radius _...

11 years 前 | 1 | 27 个解题者


Hexagonal Tiling Dots in a Circle
Return how many <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexagonal_grid Hexagonal Tiling> grid points there are inside a circle of radius _...

11 years 前
