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Software innovation for the renewable energy sector.
15-year anniversary Scavenger Hunt finisher badge
Awarded to Marc Jakobi on 09 Nov 2016
15-year anniversary Triathlon participant badge
Provide your first answer ever to someone else's question
Awarded to Marc Jakobi on 20 Jul 2017
20 of your answers have been accepted
Answer 1 question that was unanswered for more than 30 days
Accept 20 answers given by other contributors
Contribute at least one answer each month for 3 consecutive months
Like a problem or solution
Awarded to Marc Jakobi on 29 Oct 2016
Comment on a problem or solution
Awarded to Marc Jakobi on 05 Oct 2016
Solve a problem for the first time
Awarded to Marc Jakobi on 15 Sep 2016
Be the first to solve a problem
Create a problem
Create 10 problems
Awarded to Marc Jakobi on 08 Oct 2016
Obtain 50 solvers for a problem you have created
Awarded to Marc Jakobi on 12 Nov 2020
Publish your first submission
Awarded to Marc Jakobi on 09 Oct 2019
Have 3 submissions connected to GitHub
Your submissions received 25 five star ratings
Publish your first review
Your submissions were downloaded 30 or more times in a month
Awarded to Marc Jakobi on 01 Nov 2019
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