can i uninstall matlab 2016a after installing matlab 2016b?
Yes, you can uninstall it. It should also have copied over your search path and preferences. But just in case, I would recommend...

8 years 前 | 1

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I need to create a tab group in a pre-existing GUI
<https://de.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/54705-tabmanager-create-tab-panels--uitabgroup--from-a-guide-gui This FileE...

8 years 前 | 0

How do seperate a string in different strings while not creating new strings for variables
Use inds1 = strfind(A.input,']'); inds2 = strfind(A.input,'['); to get the locations of the variables.

8 years 前 | 0

Standalone application giving error (function dataset) when Matlab is working fine
Here's a few things you can do to debug: # see if there is only one function called dataset in your search path and make sure...

8 years 前 | 0

Display TODO/FIXME report in command window
I got it to work <http://stackoverflow.com/a/40022882/5002159 by modifying the builtin DOFIXRPT function>.

8 years 前 | 0


Display TODO/FIXME report in command window
Hi everyone. Using the command checkcode('function.m') you can run the code analyzer on an m-file and output the repo...

8 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0



Minimum cell of a matrix
You need to end every loop and if statement with an end keyword Min=inf; for Row =1:size(B,1) for Col==1:size(B,2)...

8 years 前 | 1

I am having trouble getting the code to display how many days AND which days of the month things are occurring on (lines 29 and 36 in the script image). See attached images.
In your first problem (Anchorage temp above NYC temp), you print x. But x is your looping index. So it always ends up as length(...

8 years 前 | 1

read in text file and place each word of the sentence it's own separate cell
If you already have a cell array C with the separated sentences: D = cell(1, length(C)); for i = 1:length(C) c = ...

8 years 前 | 0

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How to use Matlab to fill in some fields in a website, execute a function of the website and then return a result field?
I wouldn't recommend internal Matlab functions such as urlread() and urlwrite(). Instead, take a look at cURL:You can use the f...

8 years 前 | 1

Can not open any movie file
A google search revealed various versions of the Machine Vision Toolbox. The Movie class in the most recent version on <http://...

8 years 前 | 1

I need to create a matriz since two different?
I assume you want: a = [V(:,1), C];

8 years 前 | 0

How to solve Error:workspcefunc (line 14) at least 3 input arguments required
<https://www.tutorialspoint.com/matlab/matlab_functions.htm Here's a tutorial on how to use Matlab functions.>

8 years 前 | 0

How to read .tif as .mat file?
Not sure what you are trying to do. Do you have a .tif file called z.tif? Then the solution would be to specify the .tif file a...

8 years 前 | 0

Creating variables (matrices) in for loop
Creating new variables dynamically is bad practice. Store them in a cell array or in a struct. For example: C = cell(n,1); ...

8 years 前 | 0

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About trasfor two dimensions to three dimensions
I assume 23*25 are the dimensions of the matrices? You could do something like this: c = zeros(6, 23, 25); c(1:3,:,:)...

8 years 前 | 0

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The XTickLabel command is not working properly.
You could try f = gcf; f.ResizeFcn = 'h.XTickLabel = dx.*h.XTick;'; This will call h.XTickLabel = dx.*h.XTick; ...

8 years 前 | 0

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I don't know how to solve this equation.
"Cannot find an explicit solution" means that there may only be an implicit solution, i.e. the variable x you are solving for ca...

8 years 前 | 0

How to use unique function in 2D matrices?
x = [1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4; 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 ; 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12]; y = unique(x','rows')';

8 years 前 | 1

[GUI] How do I create a Push Button like "File", that allows me to get more Push Button like "Open", "Save", "Save as", and "Exit"?
<https://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/creating_guis/creating-menus-in-a-guide-gui.html This link> might help you.

8 years 前 | 1

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How I store/save the window figure out from running some codes?
for images: doc print()

8 years 前 | 0

Issues with my jacobian method code
Just a small error in your code. Here's the correction: function [x] = jacobi(A,b,x0,n_iter) n=length(x0); ...

8 years 前 | 0

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Making a movie from images in matlab
Please make sure your code is formatted correctly. It is barely readable. Anyways, you didn't actually open the video writer ...

8 years 前 | 1

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Error Masg Matrix Dimensions exceeded
This is causing your error: if Min>CurrentPos(M(1),M(2)); Min=CurrentPos(M(1),M(2)); M is a 1x1 matrix, s...

8 years 前 | 1

Need help with my bisection code
1. You are "missing" the variable "yr". You have to define it somewhere before using this line: dy=abs(yl-yr); 2. After...

8 years 前 | 0

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How do you create the number as mentioned below?
I won't tell you how to do it since this sounds like homework, but here are some functions that may help you. str2double() ...

8 years 前 | 0

How to change the font of ticks in a colorbar?
Changing the TickLabelInterpreter won't make it match the latex serif roman numbering style, which is what I assume you want to ...

8 years 前 | 1

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Loading of selected data and then division of the data with a constant and then plotting out the results?
Just drag the text file into your workspace, use the GUI to set up how you would like to import the data (correct data types, de...

8 years 前 | 0

how retain value of variable in memory between calls to the function?
I think you might want to have a look at object oriented programming in Matlab: mathworks.com/discovery/object-oriented-programm...

8 years 前 | 0
