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Formerly known as MATLABDoug during my 15 year tenure at MathWorks. Now I live in Vegas, write poker books and relieve tourists of their poker money.
Contributed problems to the Cody 5th anniversary groups
Awarded to Doug Hull on 16 Oct 2017
Provide your first answer ever to someone else's question
Awarded to Doug Hull on 20 Jul 2017
20 of your answers have been accepted
Answer 3 questions that were unanswered for more than 30 days
Reach 500 reputation points
Contribute at least one answer each month for 12 consecutive months
Obtain 50 solvers for a problem you have created
Awarded to Doug Hull on 15 Feb 2012
Receive 10 likes on a problem you have created
Awarded to Doug Hull on 07 May 2017
Comment on a problem or solution
Awarded to Doug Hull on 17 Feb 2012
Solve a problem for the first time
Awarded to Doug Hull on 26 Jan 2012
Create a problem
Awarded to Doug Hull on 02 Feb 2012
Create 10 problems
Awarded to Doug Hull on 16 Feb 2012
Receive 25 likes on a problem you have created
Awarded to Doug Hull on 29 Mar 2013
Publish your first submission
Awarded to Doug Hull on 09 Oct 2019
Your submissions received 25 five star ratings
Publish your first review
Your submission is selected as "Pick of The Week"
Your submissions were downloaded 30 or more times in a month
Awarded to Doug Hull on 01 Nov 2019
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