Clarification on Calculations for $v_{1,z} $ in "A Method for Verifying the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis"
I think, from almost line 1 of what you did, you don't understand double precision arithmetic, and that will cause everything yo...

2 months 前 | 0

Is the methodology used in "sdRemoveImpossibles" a heuristic or is it derived from an academic publication?
Note that just because something is found in a paper, does not make it even necessarily good mathematics. The lack of any requir...

2 months 前 | 0

Infinite while loop for Euler's method in order to solve ode
I think you misunderstand what is happening. Your ODE is y' = y - y^2/2 ymax is found when y' = 0, and so you find that y...

2 months 前 | 0

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generate random numbers among each non zero column elements
This is a 7 year old question, so there is probably no real utility in my posting an answer. But it is an interesting question t...

2 months 前 | 0

Surface triangulation of 3D points cloud
A common solution is to use a CRUST code. In fact, there is a version of CRUST to be found on the File Exchange, here: https://...

2 months 前 | 0

Identify two linear trends from the data
The amount of noise in your data makes it almost impossible to estimate the two trends in any intelligent way, even assuming the...

2 months 前 | 0

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How can I make the following heatmap smoother while preserving the contours outlined by the green line?
I don't think interpolating your data will fix the problem, as your data is seriously bumpy. load DataMe.mat surf(TPP) view(...

2 months 前 | 0

Cannot Understand a Command
I would guess what they did was to ask you to write a matrix by something like the following description: M(a,b) = a + b w...

2 months 前 | 0

Solving non linear system with fsolve
Whenever you have a problem with hugely varying constants in it like this, it makes sense to consider if you should transform th...

2 months 前 | 0

How do I find the equation of points on a spline curve?
This is a question that gets aslked many many times about splines. And, well, you can't easily get a simple equation, as there i...

2 months 前 | 0

Too many input arguments error in objective cost function using fminsearchbnd
Did it even work using fmincon? I can't test that out, since we lack your data. And lacking your data, I can't test fminsearchbn...

2 months 前 | 1

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How to map voltage to battery percent?
This is just a simple linear interpolation. Think about it! Suppose you subtract 45 from the voltage. When V was zero, you now ...

2 months 前 | 0

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Constraint set to be a real number
First, constraints like: AV_constraint_1 = isreal(A_v); are not differentiable. Sorry. They can't be used in fmincon. Well, y...

2 months 前 | 0

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Numerical integration (Trapezoid, Simpson, Gauss)
"shouldn't Gauss' 3 points method give the best value for the integral ?" Why? In fact, no. There is no reason for that to be t...

2 months 前 | 0

Why does MatLab give non integer values for whole numbers?
It is not even remotely ridiculous. Are you seriously claiming that the vector [0.7071;0.7071] is NOT a null vector? Any mult...

2 months 前 | 1

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Does anyone know how to get solve to work with one of the variables being a range
Solve does not directly allow you to define a variable as being in a range, but assume will help you out, as I show below. Anywa...

2 months 前 | 0

Algorithm which finds lower bound of the epigraph of a discrete 2D curve which is not a function (i.e. fails vertical line test)
Is there an algorithm that solves it in some slick way? Not that I know of. How would I solve it? Treat this as a way to find ...

2 months 前 | 1

Simplify in GF(2)
In the help docs for simplify, we see: "S = simplify(expr) performs algebraic simplification of expr." The key word there is A...

2 months 前 | 0

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Hello I am solving a lp problem and linprog shows the wrong answer. If I solve it with fmincon, I get the answer.
H= @(i,j) exp(-abs(i-j)); % anonymous function m= 4; noise_pow= 1e-9; g= [15; 12; 9; 6]; A= [-H(1,1), g(1)*H(2,1), g(1)*H(3,1...

2 months 前 | 1

Cumtrapz integration drift with time
This is expected behavior. And reducing the time step WILL reduce the problem. And it IS something purely mathematical, yes, you...

2 months 前 | 0

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Numerical search for the singular points of a complex matrix
I'm sorry, but the use of det for anything like this is a bad idea. How did they do this in 1972? Sigh, they used determinants ...

3 months 前 | 1

Vectorized code slower than loops
Read the response by @Steven Lord again, in case you missed it. (Actually, that is always good advice for any of his responses.)...

3 months 前 | 2

How to use "predict" to get x value for a given y value?
Huh? Of course polyfit works. It does NOT require the x values be distinct. I'm not at all sure why you think that is necessary....

3 months 前 | 0

What information is stored by p1/p2/... in this code sample?
Undocumented, uncommented code, from an unknown source? Shiver. No. It is not a distance computation. That much I can say. The...

3 months 前 | 1

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Attempt to execute SCRIPT plot as a function,how to solve it?
Don't name your script plot. In general, don't use existing names of supplied functions for your own functions or scripts. You ...

3 months 前 | 0

How to identify such functions as addpath that are coming with MATLAB?
Follow two rules when you are writing or providing functions to run in MATLAB. Rule # 1: NEVER put your own functions in the Ma...

3 months 前 | 0

Are there MATLAB functions or scripts to perform boolean operations on triangulated solids?
Are there such codes in MATLAB? Yes. I wrote them. intersect, union. In 2-d and in 3-d. (Not sure if I wrote a setdiff variant. ...

3 months 前 | 0

Product of matrices over finite fields
Even in the simple case of F_2 matrices, I'm not sure it is easy to do better than brute force. But no, you don't need to write ...

3 months 前 | 1

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Multi-Parameter function minimization with many many parameters
Let me try to help, a little at least. Why is fminsearch so bad at high dimensions? It is just not designed for that class of ...

3 months 前 | 0

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Solve nlp equation system with variables spanning more than 40 powers of 10
Are the variables potentially going to vary by that many powers of 10? If so, then you would have the solver work in a log space...

3 months 前 | 0
