how to azimuthally average a N*N data ?
I seriously doubt that what you want to do is possible, simply because your data do not work that way, Likely the best you ca...

2 months 前 | 0

finding the minimum of a function input with a parameter
If you want to constrain the optimisation, one approach sould be to use the Optimization Toolbox fmincon function. Example —...

2 months 前 | 0

Using ss2tf when your matrices are variables without values yet
I would not use the Symbolic Math Toolbox for this! For undefined variables, use anonymous functions for them, and then pass ...

2 months 前 | 0

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Parse error at observed data
It took a few minutes to determine what the problems are with this (there were several). I got it to work. Most of the probl...

2 months 前 | 0

How do I find the width of a curve at 1/e^2 but there are multiple points at this value
The second plot image and your code do not appear to provide the same results, at least with respect to the plot. That aside,...

2 months 前 | 0

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ways to calculate non-linear correlation between two time series in MATLAB?
Your question is ambiguous. First, be certain that both time series are sampled at the same time points. You can use interp1 ...

2 months 前 | 0

how to plot the graph
There is no need to convert it to Excel. It is only necessary to tell readmatrix (introduced in R2019a) that it is a text file,...

2 months 前 | 0

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Transfer Functions on Biologic Data Sets
The data do not appear to have anything in common, and several are missing. (The plots here are sorted by the independent varia...

2 months 前 | 0

EEG data Visualization for .mat file
There are a few ways to do this. Two approaches — Fs = 500; L = 250734; t = seconds(linspace(0, L-1, L).'/Fs); EEG = ran...

2 months 前 | 0

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I open Matlab after a computer crash and the editor is clear . Is there a file which stores which files were open prior to the crash?
The only documentation that I can find for the MATLAB Edittor is matlab.editor Settings. I am not certain where that informat...

2 months 前 | 0

convert a cell Array into another cell
This takes too long to do the entire (1x490) cell array, so I just create an arraya tenth of that. Try this — for k = 1:4...

2 months 前 | 0

Determine the indice of real maximum using accumarray function
I’m not certain what you want or how the .mat file figures into this (since you don’t have a load call or relevant code to deter...

2 months 前 | 0

How to solve this with the help of fplot
A few details are missing ... syms t f(t) = sin(2*pi*t); figure fplot(f, [0 5]) grid yline(0,'--r', 'The roots are wher...

2 months 前 | 0

multiplying a function handle by a constant
‘... how do I multiple the function handle by the constant"h" with out getting the error "Operator '*' is not supported for oper...

2 months 前 | 0

writematrix with tab delimiter inconsistently producing delimiters
It might be possible for you to verify whether the tab characters are ther or not using the funciton after creating the file. ...

2 months 前 | 0

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Colorbar with a range taken from a variable
I am not certain what plot you want to use or what result you want. Perhaps something like this — x = linspace( 0, 5); y =...

2 months 前 | 0

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Two-sample Anderson-Darling tests
I am not certain what you want, however the two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (kstest2) appears to be distribution-free, at lea...

2 months 前 | 1

Unable to recreate k-means clustering example
It works correctly in R2024a. (The online documentation reflects the latest update to the current release, and may not run cor...

2 months 前 | 1

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Determining optimal cut off frequency
‘I have been told to filter at a range of frequencies and then calculate the RMSD between the original and filtered data.’ I ...

2 months 前 | 0

Seasonal decomposition of a daily time series
Your data are not regularly-sampled, so it is necessary to use the funciton on them first. After that, calculate the Fourier t...

2 months 前 | 0

Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 101.
I am not certain how to get these into a form that the MATLAB ODE integrators could use, so I did the next best thing, and calcu...

2 months 前 | 1

integrate with the upper limit is a function
The Symbolic Math Toolbox appropriately considers an otherwise undefined function. Define it and you get an actual result — ...

2 months 前 | 0

want to plot a function
Subscript ‘H’ in the loop, then create ‘f’ tto have the same size as ‘H’ and then plot — fv = 0:10:60; tk=0.1; tK=4; theta0...

2 months 前 | 0

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How to fill missing time points from a txt file
The tables may need to be manipulated a bit first. I put relevant times in the first column in ‘T1r’. After that, converting...

2 months 前 | 1

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EDITED : Generate sphere whose center is not at origin
I made a few adjustments to your original code, adding (or changing) only these: p1 = 1:51; p2 = 52:101; figure scatter3(...

2 months 前 | 0

Error Using Rainflow fonction
The rainflow function only takes vector arguments. What result do you want? In the interim,try this — T1 = readtable('Da...

2 months 前 | 0

sorting values of a matrix column when the other column has the same value
Use the sortrows function, sorting the first column then the second column — A = [0.1 0.1 ; 0.1 -0.3 ; 0.1 0.5 ; 0.1 0; 0.1 -0...

2 months 前 | 0

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How to set up the Matrix variables to use Options = optimoptions('lsqcurvefit','algorithm','levenberg-marquardt')
I am not certain how ‘M1T’ and ‘M2T’ enter into this, however witth the ‘K’ values as the independent variables, and the ‘M’ val...

2 months 前 | 0

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how to create vector 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2?
An alternative approach — v = reshape(ones(6,1)*[1 2],1,[]) .

2 months 前 | 0

Integral2 MATLAB Function Error: Q = integral2Calc(fun,xmin,xmax,yminfun,ymaxfun,opstruct);
Note that because ‘zprime’ only enters into your calculations in ‘R’ and that is defined as: R = sqrt(a^2 + (z_prime - z_prim...

2 months 前 | 0

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